by Contributor on Monday July 05 2021
Many British Columbians across the province felt that the BC Government wasn’t taking enough action on these recommendations, which called for the immediate deferral (meaning don’t log) of high-risk old growth forests.
Earlier this month, as public pressure mounted in Fairy Creek, across the province, and right here in the West Kootenays, the BC NDP Government finally honoured the request of the Pacheedaht, Ditidaht, and Huu-ay-aht First Nations, and deferreding (temporarily stopped) old-growth logging in the Fairy Creek watershed and central Walbran areas in their territories for two years.
In September of 2020, the Province released “A New Future for Old Forests,” an independent strategic review of old-growth forest management in British Columbia. This detailed report revealed that we simply can’t harvest timber or manage forests using past approaches if we hope to conserve these ancient forests for us today and for our children.