ONTD Original: Top 10 Fiona Apple Singles.
To celebrate yet another accolade for Fetch The Bolt Cutters as Metacritic chose it as the album of the year, here is a ranking of Fiona Apple's top 10 singles according to the chaos I chose today for myself.
10. Shadowboxer from Tidal (1997) Any Fiona Apple music ranking will be tricky because it is all amazing, but her debut single was not as big as her later releases. The lyrics say everything you wanted to say when you were an angsty teen, but there was so much more to recover. Fiona once said that she used to play this song for herself a lot before releasing and it gave her a rush because she thought it sounded good, however she said that since then she stopped playing the songs for herself. The music video could have been so much better, also. Howard Stern saw this being performed live at his show, which he did not deserve because he is GROSS.