While land-based establishments generate as much as 90 per cent of all casino revenues, the online sector is booming and set to take over. According to Evolution Gaming’s CEO Martin Carlesund: “The evolution has only begun. Soon, 50 to 70 per cent of all gaming revenues will come from the online sphere.”
In the first quarter of 2020, the Spanish market noted a growth rate of 13.2 per cent, and the US one grew by 11.5 per cent. Thus, the transfer of offline to online is visible in countries worldwide, as, in the past two years, the digital user base increased by 70 per cent.
With so many people expressing an interest in playing games of chance on the internet, the first titles naturally gravitate toward fall into the most popular genre of casino gambling, slots. The proverbial one armed bandits dominate gaming floors and are the industry’s golden geese in both the real and digital world. While reel-spinners may be the most straightforward gambling game of all, before sitting down to play, you must become aware of a few key concepts, most importantly, return-to-player, better known as – house edge.