One Simple Change Cut Accidental Albatross and Seabird Deaths by 98%: âAbsolutely amazingâ
Feb 8, 2021
An international task force of conservationists have proved that a remarkably simple method of deterring seabirds can save tens of thousands from accidental death.
A recent study published about the Namibian fishery industry determined there was a 98% reduction in albatross and other seabird deaths after laws were passed requiring that fishermen attach colored streamers to the back of their boats, which deterred the birds from pilfering longline fishing nets.
Emily Eng illustration showing how rainbow streamers work for BirdLife International
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and BirdLife International’s Albatross Task Force (ATF) came together to help prevent endangered species like albatross from going extinct due to bycatch, a fishing term that describes animals caught but not targeted.