Fermilab’s Ron Davis, a neutrino operations supervisor, rides into Fermilab on his 2007 Harley-Davidson Classic. Photo: Cary Kendziora, Fermilab
How long have you been at Fermilab?
I’ve been at the lab since 1971 — so nearly 50 years now!
What is your role at Fermilab?
I’m currently a supervisor specializing in neutrino operations for the Proton Assembly Building. But when I first started at Fermilab, I was a technician for the 15-foot bubble chamber. I’ve also worked on segmented wire ionization chambers for the proton beam, the commissioning of the DZero detector, the installation of one of the lab’s beamlines, called NuMI, and several generations of liquid-argon cryostats. And when the Short-Baseline Neutrino Program began, I contributed to the vacuum and piping systems.