Apr 13, 2021 7:06 AM
(OLNEY) The Olney City Council met in regular session last night. The Council : approved the payment of all bills as presented : accepted bids for various types of concrete work from Schrey Systems and Doll’s Concrete in Olney : accepted the bid to furnish and deliver sand, pea gravel, crushed stone, and riprap from Charles Carter & Sons in Fairfield : accepted bids for the various chemicals for the Musgrove Aquatic Center, the City’s Water Plant, and the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant : approved the IDOT Local Public Agency Engineering Services agreements for road improment projects on Silver, Cherry, and Morgan Streets : amended and approved new categories with unchanged swimming pool fees for the Musgrove Aquatic Center : amended the fiscal year budget to approve maintenance on the Olney City Park Community Building floor : amended the fiscal year budget for IDOT Rebuild Illinois Bond Funds for the East Street Bridge project : agreed to employ an appraiser/negotiator for the Route 130 sidewalk project : agreed to set aside $750,000 for future capital expenditures – $250,000 each from the sewer, water, and general funds : approved three raffle licenses as requested : discussed, but took no action on wake and possible boating restrictions on the Olney Lakes and on possible funding for the Olney City Park fountain : agreed to hold a public meeting to discuss the possible closing of the Lynn Street railroad crossing : and after a closed session to discuss real property, personnel, and negotiations, the Council approved a three (3) year contract between the City of Olney and the FOP representing Olney Patrolmen and Sergeants, effective May 1st, 2021 : the next regular bi-monthly meeting for the Olney City Council will be April 26, 2021.