Oklahoma US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate Urges the Family of a Navy Veteran with Lung Cancer in Oklahoma to Call Attorney Erik Karst of Karst von Oiste About Compensation-If the He Had Navy Asbestos Exposure
"Our top priority is seeing to it that a Navy Veteran who has been recently diagnosed with lung cancer gets compensated if he had significant exposure to asbestos decades ago in the navy. ”
— Oklahoma US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA , USA, February 16, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The Oklahoma US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate says, "Our top priority is seeing to it that a Navy Veteran who has been recently diagnosed with lung cancer gets compensated if he had significant exposure to asbestos decades ago on a navy ship, submarine or at a shipyard. A financial compensation settlement package for a person like this might exceed $100,000 and the claim does not involve suing the navy.