Ohio Medicaid chooses Aetna to manage care of kids with complex mental health needs
Updated 4:06 PM;
Today 4:06 PM
Habeebah Rasheed Grimes is CEO of the Positive Education Program in the Cleveland area. It's one of Ohio’s largest non-profit agencies committed to children with severe mental health and behavioral challenges, their families and the professionals who support them. (Screen shot)
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COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Ohio Department of Medicaid chose Aetna Better Health to manage the care of children with complex behavioral health needs in a new program called OhioRISE, Gov. Mike DeWine announced Monday.
When fully implemented, Aetna will get $900 million a year to manage the care of around 60,000 children in OhioRISE from a combination of state and federal money, an Ohio Medicaid spokeswoman said.