Oceana, Inc.: Amazon's Big Role in Ocean Plastic Pollution (United Kingdom)
Company Generated More Than 465 Million Pounds of Plastic Packaging Waste in 2019 According to Report by Oceana
Oceana calls on Amazon to address its contribution to the plastic disaster that is devastating the world's oceans and marine life and provide its customers with plastic-free choices
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LONDON, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oceana has today released a report - based on an analysis of e-commerce packaging data - that found Amazon generated 465 million pounds of plastic packaging waste last year. This is comprised of the air pillows, bubble wrap, and other plastic packaging items added to the approximately 7 billion Amazon packages delivered in 2019, according to news accounts. The report found that Amazon's estimated plastic packaging waste, in the form of air pillows alone, would circle the Earth more than 500 times.