Rosalind Knight, who has died aged 87, was born into a show business family and quickly made her own impression on screen in the early Carry On films.
She first played the hapless, short-sighted Student Nurse Nightingale in Carry On Nurse (1959), the second in the series, seen keeping vigil over an unconscious patient and watching his drip feed with great intensity - before losing her glasses in a hospital sluice.
Rosalind Knight's talent for comedy was firmly recognised, and she featured in Carry On Teacher the same year in a more substantial role.
She went on to display her talents in comedy and drama but will be best remembered in her later career for two TV sitcoms. Gimme Gimme Gimme (1999-2001) featured Kathy Burke as a loud-mouthed Londoner, with James Dreyfus as her gay flatmate, both looking for a male partner. Knight was Beryl Merit, landlady of their Kentish Town flat - and a retired sex worker who still indulges in S&M and picks up young and married men.