Nikki Dion Metcalf
July 19, 1980 - Feb. 10, 2021
Nikki Dion Metcalf was born to Barry Newton Metcalf and Sandra Dean Keisner on July 19, 1980, in Eureka, CA. Nikk had two biological children Barry Metcalf and Virginia Truby-Metcalf. He was engaged to Margarette Moon. Margarette Moon had three children Shelly, Chloe and Bubba, Nikk accepted them as if they were his own. It came naturally to Nikk to be a protective and caring father to all five of his children.
After Nikk’s Dad tragically passed just before Nikk’s thirteenth birthday he was on a mission or a path of destruction. Nikk often times showed no fear. He would fight or box with the biggest guy. He would wade in to the ocean far away from shore only to look further out until something from the shore drew him back in as if the ocean spit him out. He would climb trees to the highest large branch so he could sit at the top and gaze at the view. At one time in his life the path of destruction progressed further and he went along for a ride that landed him in a situation that he never thought would happen. For that reason, Nikk was away from his family for a period of time.