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Oakland crime: From Jack London Squares Everett and Jones Barbecue to Lounge Chinatown, merchants fed up with repeat burglaries :
Oakland crime: From Jack London Square's Everett and Jones Barbecue to Lounge Chinatown, merchants fed up with repeat burglaries
After recent burglaries and the fear of more happening, Oakland merchants worry over foot traffic to both Chinatown and Jack London Square.
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Gigi Ma
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Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council
Jack London Square
Jones Barbecue
New Gold Medal Restaurant
Lounge Chinatown
Are Oakland
Jack London
Oakland Chinatown Crime
Ack London Square Theft
Akland Victims Of Crime
Akland Crime News
Verett And Jones Jack London
Ew Gold Medal Restaurant Oakland
Oakland Restaurants
Chinatown Crime
Chinatown Theft
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