Apr 19, 2021
1 hr ago
The Oak Hill City Council will host a Zoom meeting Monday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Following is the meeting agenda: call to order, roll call (Mayor Daniel E. Wright, Tom Oxley, Diana Janney, Melissa Wilshire, David Perry, Steve Hayslette, Charles Smallwood Jr. and Benitez Jackson), invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, reading an approval of minutes, treasurerâs report, correspondence, citizensâ comments, mayoral comments, A Minute from the Minutes; unfinished business â consideration of a resolution authorizing the city to demolish the residential structure located at 103 Rocklick Road (Map 59J, Parcel 40, owned by Ace Adventure Resort), examination of demolition report for 118A High Street (Map 7, Parcel 226, owned by Novelle Barrett), examination of demolition report for 11 Rocklick School Road (Map 59J, Parcel 14, owned by Randy Crawford), consideration of a resolution authorizing the city to demolish the residential structure located at 1012 1/2 Summerlee Avenue (Map 24, Parcel 206.1, owned by Steven Grunenberg) and recommendation to amend Oak Hill Municipal Code (OHMC) 10.12.012 Recreational Trail Vehicles (first reading); new business â Structural Inspection Board (SIB) recommendation to demolish the structure located at 38 Poff Road and 40 Poff Road (Map 59E, Parcels 45 and 46, owned by Debra K. and Danny Thomas), mayorâs blanket approval for proclamations, status of Collins Middle School, abandoned store signs, harm reduction (needle exchange) facility, vacancy appointment to Beautification Commission (Michelle Holly resignation), resolution for West Virginia Municipal League (WVML) 2021 Federal Advocacy agenda, Community Development Block Grant (mitigation), proclamation recognizing Tyler Murray and future agenda items; adjournment.