Juneau Native Youth Olympics coach Kyle Worl demonstrates the One Foot High Kick during a Traditional Games practice at the Juneau-Douglas High School Yadaa.at Kalé gym. (Klas Stolpe)
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The 2021 Native Youth Olympics Traditional Games will stream live from the Thunder Mountain High School gymnasium this Saturday and Sunday.
Juneau Native Youth Olympics coach Kyle Worl said the games are generally held each spring and normally feature teams from across the region and state and have even included teams from Canada and Arizona.
“The games are slimmed down this year and focused on more Southeast teams split into northern and southern events,” said Worl, a coordinator for the northern event in Juneau and for the southern event in Ketchikan, which has been rescheduled to May 22-23 due to a recent coronavirus concern there. “Safety is our biggest priority. We are able to invite teams with high vaccination rates within their community and low COVID risk status so some athletes from a few different areas could come together. We feel we can have a safe event with our mitigations in place.”