Some documents left for this watch, yes, but we need to look for them, and how can we contact igor leonidovichs daughter . Ill give you her phone number. Yes, anna petrovna, please look for the documents for the watch on your phone, we will borrow them. Thats what i want to tell you, comrade officer. The main office decided make the most effective use of employees and, for this purpose, identify their abilities and produce. The new appointment, understandable, understandable, understandable, comrade colonel, it was decided to carry out the recertification in a modern way, using scientifically developed methods. Here i have forms with questions, 30 questions, for each of them there are four answers, hand them out, you need to put a tick in front of the one that you think is correct. 30 questions, all answered in 30 minutes, i make it clear, so who . Comrade colonel, what if someone answers the questions incorrectly . When if the test participants do not get the required number of points, a special commission will decide his future fate, in any case it will be a demotion , no need to be scared in advance, someone may be promoted based on the test results, thank you, comrade colonel, thats it, time has passed , comrade colonel, with whom did pechorrin fight, with grushnitsky, with onegin . With lermonov , with dantes, this is such a humorous test, yes , humorous, humorous, there is no need to disturb your comrades, i obey, so, well, what did we manage to do, but for now a little, i went to watch salon, found out the cost of alekseevs watch, and whats more, it costs a lot, about 3000, wow, my car costs less, yes, it was because of them that they killed him, well , they killed him in the evening, so you cant really see the expensive watch on his hand or not, apparently they noticed it earlier, but where did he meet with his daughter, in a cafe, well, thats where you copied it, and when are you meeting her . We agreed in a couple of hours at the office of her company, and ask her in more detail, maybe shell remember something, anya anton, in the next purchase, maybe parts are already there somewhere, okay, thats it, were working, well, another bastard, let me see the list of what people are renting here, here you go, yes, rings, spoons , all sorts of small things, for grannies, an increase in pension, although no, look, a gold bracelet of 2000, so theres theres a chance that our watch will turn up somewhere. Lets move on. How many objects do we have left . Three. Listen, maybe we can eat somewhere, and then, so to speak, well rush into battle with renewed vigor. How are you . Well, okay, come on, well, thats nice, lets go, i know a good place. Borya, why are you chasing devils there . I wish you good health, comrade, colonel. Yes, i wish. Hello, here are a bunch of applications. I dont know what to do. You cant figure it out alone, oleg georgivich, you should single out one of your subordinates, otherwise im completely stuck. My eagles are busy, they solve crimes, anyone can solve crimes, you need to work with citizens, you need abilities here, its good for you to be bosses, they gave instructions, and your subordinates ran to carry them out, but here you have to alone, nothing, nothing, borya, and you personal account complete. So then not i wish i could regret it, well, i wont regret it, yes, well, well, hello, hello , what about the voucher, no, were from the criminal investigation department, we need irina alekseeva, its me, only im not alekseeva now, and golubeva, this is my husband, uhhuh, captain krymov, arkadi, senior lieutenant rydan, very nice , please have a seat, uhhuh, thank you , thank you, please, thank you, please, well, i ran about the hotel reservation, ok, ok , uhhuh, bye, we need to ask you a few questions, where did you meet yours. on the day of his death, it was in a mosaic cafe on a large, uhhuh, and you didnt pay attention, at that time there were no suspicious people there . No, two girls were sitting at the next table, and when my father and i left, they were still there, the waiter didnt hang around you . No, it was a cafe without waiters, and your father ordered at the counter; there was also a girl working at the counter, which means they didnt see anything unusual, no, nothing, and your father was calm, wasnt he nervous . Absolutely calm, tell me, thats why you and your father met in a cafe, is it because of his new wife . No, what are you, what are you, i have a very Good Relationship with her, i just didnt want to bother her, you know, shell start fussing, cooking, irin, please tell me, were there any people among your fathers acquaintances who you think could have committed murder, no, unfortunately, i havent had much contact with my father lately, so im unlikely to be able to help you with anything, okay, excuse us, but if you remember anything, call me right away, yes, of course, goodbye , goodbye, goodbye, so, gentlemen officers, the test results have arrived, yeah, thats enough unexpected, that gennady antonovich, someone is being fired from the service, but no , its okay, although some changes are coming, tests showed that mayor cherdyntsev had the highest results, this is the number, congratulations, bor, thank you. Whats next . In accordance with the order, you are temporarily appointed head of the department instead of Lieutenant Colonel solovets. I dont understand, wow, this is such a joke. Yes, how can it be, gennady antonovich, i have no experience. Well, experience is a gain. You yourself said that managing a department is easier than in digging through papers. Here you go. Boris mikhalovich, after the meeting, come to me, i will transfer the matter to you. Okay, georgivich, what is it . Oleg georgivich, where from us . Will temporarily take Boris Mikhailovichs place on duty, comrade colonel, an order is an order, but how quiet, quiet, then well sort it out , so, borya, uh, excuse me, Boris Mikhailovich, come in, sit down, your chair is more comfortable, im in the duty room it was worse, yeah, yeah, that means, these folders contain unsolved murder cases, here is an armed robbery, right, here rape and maniacs, that means there are only 112 criminal cases, well, not counting. I hope that you will cope with this in the coming days, yes, i just want to note that deadlines are running out for most of these cases, but dont worry, oleg georgivich, ill solve these cases quickly , well, good luck, and oleg georgivich, i ve prepared it for you, this thermos has never let me down, these are sandwiches, i dont need them anymore. Please, this is for you, thank you, good luck, thank you, ah, antokha, look, these fingers were on your face, yeah, on the base punched, punched, its not in ours, we need to contact them, they put borya cherdyntsev in charge, that borya cherdyntsev understands how he will lead , i dont know, the authorities are dark, they dont tell us anything, but the bosses yourself understand the orders, its not customary to discuss, but we all of course im shocked. Cherdentsev has launched such a vigorous activity that we no longer know where to go, but whats the word . Maybe, of course , hes worried, but he doesnt show it yet. Tell you what, you contact him about your request, he still has connections everywhere, listen, this is a thought, okay, come on, be it, thats what, comrades officers, i want to start our meeting with the most important question, which cannot be postponed, what is interesting . Theres no need to be funny, comrade major, if you sit in my chair, then youll joke, the main question is a question of discipline, have you all disbanded, me . Sat in the duty room, closely watched all of you, none of you comes to work on time, and this is the cause of all the problems , including low detection rates, but Boris Mikhailovich, part of our work is outside the department, we, we the operatives must sit in ambush, track, i know how you track, constantly. The girls on duty call, asking, where is our senior lieutenant rydan . I wont tolerate this anymore, uhhuh, from this day on you must keep a log of your arrivals and departures, soon the department will receive a registrar, what kind of animal is this, you live in the last century, a registrar is something you cannot exist without. And i thought that it cannot exist without experienced workers, now i think, this is my task, so what is it, comrade may . Its an automatic machine which, using registration cards, will record the time of your stay in the department, i have already ordered it, so thats it, democracy is over, of course, allow me to report on the progress of the investigation, well, thats already done. You will figure it out yourself, the main thing is discipline, thats it, free, hello, who are you, im on duty. Where is Boris Mikhailovich . But hes gone, where did he go . Went for a promotion. Oh, what a pity, but i bought him bananas. So, now you will take care of my business . Yes, it turns out i am, what happened to you . Now i dont know what to do. Excuse me, what is your name . Kudryavtseva maria stepanovna. Maria stepanovna, tell us in order, what happened to you . I live in a communal apartment, there are five other neighbors, and imagine, its cold. I started losing food, sausages, sausages , i dont know what to do, its clear, you suspect one of the neighbors, i dont suspect, i know for sure, very good, who is it . Tihan, uhhuh, tihan, but he has a last name, hes a cat, he lives with the neighbors, uhhuh, they have to specially let him out, and he feeds there, i demand that he be from. There is evidence, what else evidence, citizen kudryavtseva, we cant isolate anyone without evidence, but what should i do, well, collect evidence , what kind, you can sit in ambush and photograph him the next time he climbs into your refrigerator, and you isolate him, for sure, goodbye, all the best, hello, hello, oh, bon appetit, oleg georgivich, thank you, well, but the answer to the request did not come, came, so what . So, the fingers belong to Vitaly Konstantinovich usov, 1975 birth, twice convicted. If you go and get it, be careful, ive already dealt with him, complications may arise. Good afternoon, police, good vitali usov, are you at home . I dont know, i havent seen it. Where is his room . There. Dont worry, uhhuh, usov, i think im ready, well, call an ambulance, but its too late for the corpse , someone came in this morning, i didnt see it, wait in the kitchen, then well talk, tokha, call an expert, what do you say . , probably poisoning, death on. Drank about 12 hours ago, but i cant say what they poisoned with, until the autopsy, probably something was put in the wine, guys, look what is there, what is there, alekseevs missing things, yes, his watch , in general, we solved one murder, yes, in return we got another, maybe he poisoned himself, of course, his conscience tormented him, oh, listen, and the pen its not at all easy, im already like that. Whats wrong with it . Well, yes, this is a video camera for covert recording, i wonder why he needed a video camera, you can open the recording, but you need to ask labanov, he will open anything. Serzhik, well, its still a long time, well , now, now everything will be ready, so what, look, hello, hello, did you bring the money . Yes, there it is, exactly 300,000, thats right, when will you be able to complete the work . Im ready tomorrow, what time does your husband return from work, around eight, as a rule, he calls me before that, i can call you back later and warn you, hes coming, theres security, no, he drives alone, weapons, he doesnt carry weapons, i want it to look like an ordinary street robbery, you can do it, i can handle it, great, then wait for my call, yes, yes, by the look of her i would never i didnt think that she could order a husband, you know, appearances can sometimes be deceiving, she probably couldnt wait to receive an inheritance , alekseev is not a poor man, yes, yes, i found out, he has several businesses and real estate, he has something to inherit, well, well take it, yes, well take it, uh, uh, guys , yeah, maybe theres no one at home, lets call, whos there, anna petrovna, please open the criminal investigation department. Have you found igors killer . Yes, only he is already dead, he was poisoned. And do you know who did it . We think you did it, this its a joke, if its a joke, its not funny, well, what kind of jokes are there, get together. You have been detained on suspicion of organizing the murder of your husband with the subsequent elimination of the perpetrator. I dont want this to look like a regular street robbery. Can you do it . I can handle it. So what do we have . You decided to remove your husband in order to take possession of his fortune. For this purpose, you hired a repeat offender, vitaly usov, and he quickly completed your order. Only you didnt foresee one thing. Upon receiving the order , usov recorded it using a hidden camera. Then, perhaps, he began to blackmail you for additional money. After usov began to present his demands to you, you decided to get rid of him too, came to his house, supposedly to pay, offered him a drink, and unnoticed by usov, you poured poison into his glass, but i didnt kill anyone, and i didnt order my husband, what do you mean to say that its not you on the recording, but i m on the recording, but ill explain everything to you now, these are auditions for the filming of a series, what kind of series, im a former actress. I have been for many years i worked in the theater, i even played in films, but igor didnt like it all, and i left the profession, and recently a producer from the omega film Company Called me and offered to try out for a role in his series, so i decided to remember the old one and try out, igor, im okay i didnt say, well, i didnt want to ahead of time, okay, lets say, where the filming took place, i dont know, you dont know, well, understand , you set a time for me, i arrived at linfilm, a car came for me, they took me to the film set, i was given a text, this one the one there on the recording, he played along with me, we did several takes , they took me back to the film, well, then, what next, then they told me that if they approved me, they would call me, and what was the name of the producer, he told me it by phone phone, but i didnt remember her, he wasnt on the set, but at least you should remember someone, i remember the director, his name. What was his last name, he didnt tell me it, and i didnt ask it, well , okay, but what did he even look like . About forty years old, of average height, fair hair, thats it, everything, but he was still, he was still unkempt, so, here we have a murder, here we have a rape, this is ours. Robbery, im listening, thats right, comrade general, theyve uncovered it, theyve uncovered it, thats right, im serving russia, great, georgivich, i see, georgivich, youre getting used to a new place, i m a fool, ill get used to any place, thats right. That alekseeva confessed to the murder . Yes, he confesses, where to go, all the evidence is there. What is she saying . Yes, he tells some story about the filming, supposedly they were filming a scene for a series of the omega film company. I understand, but you checked with carbanate. Why, georgivich, everything is already clear, especially since Boris Mikhailovich cherdyntsev has already reported everything to the top, this is cherdyntseva, its clear, you know that clear evidence is needed, and without it in court , any competent lawyer will ruin all your calculations, so lets keep working, otherwise you will look pale, and Boris Mikhailovich will not help you, but you think, well, of course, you need to go to the film company, talk to the authorities, and thats what we were going to do, but andryukha, thats it, comrade on duty, no hold us back, thats it, listen, hey, sandwich . With carbonate, bye, georgi, bye we are interested in the film director sasha, he conducted auditions for a new series with you a week ago, a series about hired killers, it was on the thirteenth, mm, no, you are confusing something, we are not planning any new series this season, we would like its good that we can figure it out, but a director named sasha works for you, no, we have two igors, kostya and kiril, so i cant help you, what happened . We are a reputable company, we dont hire just anyone, no, no, everything is fine with you, okay, thats it, until goodbye, goodbye, all the best, yes, i think everything is clear from this story, the case needs to be closed and sent to court, probably, probably, come on in, petrovich, petrovich, great, we decided to do a quick job at the movies, so ill come to you quickly, director, and there will be murals. Listen, are you acting in a crowd scene, or what, guys, what a crowd scene, i have a significant role with words, but of course words are served, but what, are you serious people predicting a brilliant film career for me, listen, petrovich, and since you re such a movie star now, youre here by chance you dont know such a director sasha, but here the directors are like uncut dogs, the director has already directed half an episode for the series, we understand, but you know, he is so short, hairy and has plainlooking glasses, i dont remember, the series was like that, wait, wait, wait , well, petrovich, well, tense up, tense up, come on, oh, the murderous summer is back two, great , so i played a passerby there, though without words , how can we find this director, tell me better, uh, the devil knows, oh, he drinks, like we were having a drink at his apartment after filming, do you remember the address, no, i dont remember, but poslinsky. Everything is clear with you petrovich, lets go, get ready, show me, what are you guys, i have a role, we ll show mogoryvich as expected, come on, come on, come on, yes i now ill show mogoryvich to anyone you want, i have a woman, wait here , ill be there in 5 minutes, hurry up, were waiting for you, maybe you should also become an artist, oh, you and i are like clowns ourselves. Petrovich, well, lets give birth quickly, but it seems like no one lives here, its being demolished, its damn how quickly they resettled, yes, well, i remember exactly, somewhere on the second floor, i fell asleep while still smoking cigarettes, well, thats where it started, lets think in more detail, where else can i find this sasha, but how do i know that i didnt understand, petrovich, no petrovich understood, there is a cafe next to the linfilm, there are just people from the crowd there. Hes enjoying himself, well, you see, well, well, well, lets go, hello, Boris Mikhailovich , hello, pale lately, youve lost weight, maybe ill treat you to some tea, with a sandwich, oh, i dont have time to drink tea, im in trouble, you should get some sleep good, whatever it is, ive already forgotten what Healthy Sleep is, and in a day they say there will be a check. Oh, my head is spinning. Oh, never mind, get used to it. How to get used to this . I dont understand. Okay, ill go on working. What exactly should we do, borya . How is this what . Arrange folders alphabetically . Well luck, yeah. Gather our people, our homeland needs us. Who, who lives in the little house, quietly and coldly, as in. Your longawaited continuation of the most dashing series, but is it true that a maniac, a ural collar, is running around sochi . Were getting ready for april 1st, a perfect murder, just like in cinema, there are mere trifles left, its easy to understand who the killer is, as they say, nikita ponfilov, to sit, i wish i had such a director , wow, to be able to do it on minimum wage, reckless driver, new season, brilliant, oh well, its like this for us every day, lets go, soon on ntv. Here or something, here, here, right here, down, right, come with us, go ahead, lets go, well, hes here, and there he is at the table, sanya, great, yeah, people are looking for you here, so what . , im off, i still have an evening shoot, happy, take a seat, hello, kind day, captain krymov, criminal investigation, senior lieutenant rydanov, ryumin, alexander sergeevich, how can i help, alexander sergeevich, please look, do you know any of these people, i have no idea who they are, well, woman, this is alexei ivanovna, man vitaly usov, the woman claims that she auditioned for you to film a crime film. I dont know anything about this, what series, where, i dont do series at all, these are all small things, i m interested in big cinema, what are you talking about , and what films have you already shot . None yet, now theyre filming nothing but gaps, a talented person cant make it, but i propose for filming deep, complex plots , about the meaning of life, about the paths of human development, you see, no one is interested in time , all you have to do is wait for better times, youre very right in what you say, so maybe you for now to turn to a simple topic, accessible, so to speak, to the ordinary person in the street, this is not for me, so good, it means youve never met any of these people, never, good, but if you remember anything, call me right away, be sure to, goodbye, see you goodbye, oh we are toiling in vain, nothing. Nothing new will tell us, but i dont know yet , it seemed to me that he was scared when he saw us, he didnt say something, then look, he looks exactly like us described alekseev, you know, alekseev is an actress, im sure that she crossed paths with denim and this director on the film, if he really shot this series, why hide about it, filming a series is not a crime if its not porn, of course, yes i dont understand, these unrecognized geniuses have some kind of vinaigrette in their heads, i it seems that ryumin is drinking with the actors, he must have been drinking like jesus, but how are you now . Well, he lives near the film, lets say they were drinking in his apartment, the neighbors might recognize this ryumin, then we need his photograph, well, i think, on the film in you can find anyone in the file cabinet, sure enough, lets go, lets go, yes, there was this guy, he came, they came in the evening with vitalik, they got so drunk, well, then this guy went out into the corridor, started yelling that he was talented, that no one understood him, well, we tried to calm him down anyway, it didnt work, well. I had to call the outfit, they packed it, well, together with vitalik, when it was, let me think, i sent my daughter to moscow on the thirteenth, and when alekseeva spoke, she had a filming session, just on the thirteenth, just like that, it seems alekseeva, to my regret, is not lying, hello, hello, once again, what do i need to think , i have already answered all the questions, you told us a lie, we have a witness who claims that he saw you in usovs apartment, even if so, what difference does it make to you what you want from me, alexander sergei, 4 days ago, vitaly usov was killed, we suspect an actress known to you, anna alekseeva, one of the evidence against her is a recording in which alekseeva orders the murder of her own husband, usov, alekseeva claims that it was you who made the recording, now you understand your testimony, that the fate of a person depends on them, do you understand . How serious is it, okay, i actually did the audition, in the story , a woman orders her husband to be an assassin, so what was this recording for . The producer ordered me, gave me the text, indicated actors, why didnt they tell us about this right away . I was afraid that you were somehow connected with the tax office, but i received money in exchange, in cash, okay, whats your last name . Producer, shelists, i never worked with him at all, he found me himself, i conducted tests , did the work, and he took the material, gave me the money, said that he would call when. He made a decision on the actor, here i sit, im waiting for someone to come out, but i have no idea, im telling you, i dont know him, hes generally a strange person, but he never showed up on set, how he was even going to film series, i dont understand, well, clearly, i think that he has already filmed his series , there will be no continuation, well, ill be sitting without work again, can you help me create an identikit of him, of course, i have a brilliant visual memory, i just need a little refresh yourself, please, comrade. And borya, come in, youll have kefir, no, thank you, what a success , we solved the last murder, everything is bad, but our versions fell apart, yes , i dont know what to do next, heres gennady, what is this, rapport, let me go back on duty, i m exhausted, i dont sleep at night, not a single day off, well, what did you want, borya, everywhere you have your own troubles, but you are the boss, everyone. You command, oh, thats enough already, youve given orders , youve had enough of this, oh well, borya, ill consider your report, and you go, work, work, borenka, work, okay, well, now he looks similar, well, overall hes similar, just make your eyebrows a little thicker, and hes kind of thinfaced, he already has a rake, right, well, well, what, were done, yes, wait , just a second, calm down, i have an excellent photographic memory. Now lets check what such and such is, look at the databases, maybe youll be lucky, lucky, lucky, oops, how long has everything been going on with you, wow , wow, somethings wrong, dont go into any databases, we know this person, who is he . Yes, this is the husband , daughters of alekseev, whats his name, golubev, thank you very much, you will make a great movie, invite everyone to mosto, lets go pigeons, please contact me, if anything happens, hello, good afternoon, good afternoon. Are you coming to me . No, actually we wanted to talk to your husband. And arkady is on the road now. We have a group of tourists arriving and he left to meet them. How to contact them . Let me ill call. Please call. Just a second. They dont answer. Where can you find them now . Judging by the time, i think its at the port. Yes. Only they immediately planned a sightseeing tour of the city. Lets try to catch him there, goodbye, goodbye, and if he calls, ill warn you that you were looking for him, dont, hello, hello, lets go, no time, oh, no time, oh, great, petrovich, great , i knew you right away , youll be rich, why did you start washing cars, you re a movie star with us, you have. Please, my last name, your last name, yes, great, nikolaeva, go to the center of the bus, please, kirillova, kirillova, lets go, stop, pigeons, stop, pigeons, stop, i said. Pigeons, dont play the fool, dont make your situation worse, go out, come back, come back, pigeons, great, unique. 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Lymphotransit accelerates the movement of lymph and helps reduce swelling. Lymphatic transit evalar. Stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. Lymphotransit helps remove excess fluid, accelerate the movement of lymph and reduce swelling. Lymphatic transit evalar. I dont understand at all why i was detained, i have nothing to do with any murders, and in general, i will complain about your actions, if you are not guilty of anything, then why did you try to hide from us . I work in the tourism business, there is a lot of competition in this business, some Companies Use illegal actions, and in general they tried to remove us from the market for a long time to force you out, recently they sent some thugs, they threatened, they even. Wanted to beat you up, but i have poor eyesight, i didnt recognize you right away, thats why i let you go, we understand that you dont want to confess, yes, and so it was possible in. A sincere confession, they would have received a few years less, okay, okay, well have to talk differently, here is the testimony of director ryumin, who claims that you ordered these names and paid for the filming of the socalled video test, in which the current wife of your fatherinlaw pays for the murder of her husband. Have you met . But this is an act of examination. Traces of the blood of the murdered Igor Alekseev were found on your clothes. Okay, i want to make a statement. Yes. Will it be possible to register a confession . Lets see. Several years ago, i married ira alekseeva. Daddy her me i didnt fall in love right away, i didnt even come to the wedding, i thought that i had chosen a bad husband , he did everything to make our marriage fall apart, man, he was nt poor, but he didnt give iri money, he hinted, like if you get a divorce, youll get everything, and his wife, the current , anna, supported him in everything, i think they were looking at someone rich, already had their eye on irina, and you decided to kill him, right . Well, what else could you do . They would have eaten me, but there was no other way, i just came up with a clever move, how to remove alekseev and get his money, i need all i had to do was find someone to blame everything on. I once rented a room in a communal apartment with vitaly usov. And hes a former criminal, well, since hes a former criminal, that means you probably have his fingers in your file cabinet. Oh, arkasha, what fate, vitalik, great, im coming to you on business , come on in, im just preparing some snacks, come on, tell me what your business is, and here ive become a producer, how did you manage to find it . Did they give you sponsors . Im filming a series about crime, cool, thats what i came to you, ill give you a job i want to suggest, ill pay well, what should i do, act as an actor in episodes, but i dont know how, vitalya, what can you do, you ve been in the zone so many times, you dont need to make up your face, you know everything, are you serious, why, we start filming tomorrow, come on. Come on, listen, this needs to be washed, i just wanted it, its nonsense, heres an advance, buy something decent, and some snacks, a better snack, arkash, youll run around, im migan, come on. The next day there was a shoot, these fools rattled off their text, and i received a recording, which i threw off the pens with the video in memory, and a couple of days later i ambushed my beloved fatherinlaw and hit him with a knife that i took from vitalik. But i understood that you would find the knife and quickly figure it out on your fingers, then you removed uusovo, right . No, but what was there to do, he called all the time, bothering me when the shooting was to continue, when the shooting was to continue, well, i gave him three loads of money, and then i came in, supposedly to sign an agreement, well, vitalik, i already thought about what the fee was for youll spend it, its a simple matter, well find it, great, listen, you have an ashtray, now, im chasing, well, for success, for a future star, okay, dont drive. Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ah, ah. Why did you decide to frame anna alekseevna, for what reason, but if she had been sent to prison for the murder of her husband, she would have been deprived of the right of inheritance, irina would have received all the money from the property, and she is alekseevs only daughter, and even if i received, i would know how to dispose of them, yes, of course it was invented cunningly. But its unlikely that you will be able to use this money, i doubt that irina will wait for you for 20 years, which you will definitely get, well, yes, this is in the best case, well, guys, report , the killer of Igor Alekseev and vitaly usov has been detained, well, thank god, it turned out to be the husband, alekseevs daughters, arkady golubev, golubev gave a confession. We are currently preparing materials to submit to the court. So, what about alekseevs wife . But she turned out to be completely innocent, and we have now released her from custody. Well done. Yes, by the way, the main office recalculated the test results. It turned out that the computer then malfunctioned. Has the computer malfunctioned, again someone will fall victim to an electronic machine. It happens that equipment sometimes fails. Today they brought me new numbers. It turns out that the results. Whats the conversation . Yes, i was also surprised when i heard emotions after the meeting, but you failed borenkoy s tests, so the previous organizational tests are cancelled , olegovich will again head the department, and you cherdentsov are returning to your duty room, thank god, thank you, gennady antonovich, thank you, you say computer, and i ll explain everything to the salovets myself, everything for today, well, great, free, hello, its great, having played, youre chilling here again, yes, hello, borya, here, hello, here you go, the head office asked to pass on, what is this, what is this, registrars, this, you ordered it yourself, take it, you will record your departures and parishes, thank you, hello, hello, hello, varis mikhailovich, marya stepanovna, how is your health, how are you all . Ok , welcome back, thank you, its so good that youre here again, no one can do anything except you, but what happened, heres the neighbors cat again naughty, lets, lets, oh, i ll deal with this quickly, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of an emergency, we understand the details of an accident with first gear, an Emergency Program in the studio of marat seddikov. A drunk man who stole a car and then got into an accident with it was detained by Moscow Police officers. Everything that happened in the courtyard of a residential building was filmed by a surveillance camera; you can see how a man approaches a gazelle, looks inside, opens the back door, and gets behind the wheel. Leaves the place, however, the car thief could not get far,

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