Director, wow, to be able to do it on minimum wage. Reckless, new season, brilliant, yes, okay, lets go, soon on ntv, we were engaged in psychological rehabilitation, at some point i actually began to look for volunteers for social funds, guardianship, you became the head of the laboratory, that you were friends with marina larina, that or anna larina gave you this position for your loyalty, for the fact that you turned a blind eye to what was really happening there. Look, she, she would never give this position to an incompetent person, she, oh, you just you dont know her, she doubted my candidacy for a long time, why . I dont know, maybe everything is fine. I just didnt want to mix personal and work relationships, hello, hello, do you want to call a lawyer, well, not at the moment, but certainly i will want to call a lawyer if you dont provide me with a sufficient explanation why i was detained on the eve of the opening of an international exhibition, she smiles , because she wants to devalue your words, to show how invulnerable she is, how much more important her deeds are than yours. Dont let her to do this, tell me what she is suspected of. Anna alexandrovna, we have reason to believe that you personally, through structures affiliated to your company, have connections with representatives of International Terrorist organizations. We also believe that teenagers are being recruited with your knowledge. To terrorist organizations, now there is a direct accusation , speak harshly only in the language of the criminal code, she will understand it, we found traces of helion in the tissues of the hand of the suicide bomber, vasily smirnov, who committed an explosion on stadium. It is curious that smirnov participated in a psychological Rehabilitation Program in the laboratory of. The unknown elizaveta vladimirovna kryukova. The presence of geleonium was also shown by a blood test of sasha zhorova. Do you think, anna alexandrovna, we have something to talk about. You suspect me of organizing terrorist attacks. Gilionium was of interest to oilproducing russia as an alternative source of energy. We do not know any other side effects. Where do the funds to finance the Laboratory Come from . Initially, this there was a grant from the company. Gradually , investors from all over the world began to learn about our research. Now the share of private money is 90 . Can you name the main sources . No, this is confidential information. Last year you flew to dubai four times, for what purpose . Which one then . Relevant . We established that you met with the saudi sheikh and by an amazing coincidence, he is now in moscow, he came to the exhibition, is he funding the laboratory . Well, i said that this is confidential information. Everything is fine . What is the Research Funded by saudi arabia . The research you are interested in has nothing to do with it. Quite the contrary. A saudi sheikh funds our laboratory for the sake of his only son. His boy studied in the uk. He was on the London Underground when the explosion occurred. He was wounded by shrapnel. And the teran was healed. But there is no spiritual one. He was diagnosed with haptophobia. This is the fear of any touch. In fact, he voluntarily closed it. Spent all the time in the house in the bathroom. The sheikh contacted us himself when he learned about our psychological assistance program. In the video that was shown to me, there is a Shock Therapy session using the thinnest body armor made of nanomaterials. This is a unique model, experimental, specially created. For this project, can i go . I thought for a long time why you did this, why you didnt trust me so much, why you believed that it was i who was to blame, the only person in the world who cared about you. Now i understand, you fell in love, so many women sought you, were ready to sacrifice for you everyone, and you wanted the one you dont need, see you. So what now . Stepanov and chestyakov have been put on the wanted list, i think the child has been handed over to someone, i have sent requests to childrens hospitals, to shelters, but i cant now, im busy, i dont think they will disappear. Without a trace, calibria has a certain psychotype, she, she will definitely want to put an end to it, we need to look for the person the sleepless one was talking about, the one from whom stepanov asked for help, and the person who interacted with gromov, this is someone from the security agency, or maybe this is the same person, i was sure that it was larina, well, okay, she is from the ministry of internal affairs, but a person from the outside might not understand, you just need to go back to the beginning and look at her from a different angle. I have nowhere else to go, i wont. As you wish, how do you feel . Why . Because, because i was wrong, it happens to everyone, but this is not a reason to be angry with yourself, and whiskey definitely wont help here. And you became a fighter against alcohol after you got drunk, you were sent to a mental hospital, well, yes, of course, that. Made me think, im glad, in there is no voice of joy, what do you need, i want to help you, how to remind you that you have a life, it is on pause, my life is my work, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes your work is just an excuse to ignore your feelings, but fortunately there are plenty of freaks and murderers, but one day you will have to stop, one day you will have to look at yourself, but you wont have to, who are you, you are a god, you can bear from. Responsible for the actions of other people, one day you will break down, all these words of yours, correct, important, that you say, their no one, no one will hear what you are going to do, but i remember your phrase, if something seems, then it is so, so it seems to me that you are now reproaching me for something that is characteristic of you, good morning, good morning, what are you doing . Return it from the beginning, as you advised me . Here i have gromavas notebook, she gave me faith, if you want, take a look, what do you think . About this style of recording, well, i dont know, maybe he has a phenomenal memory, but maybe he just wrote down only his closest friends here, thats why theres no last name, maybe the person from the authorities, well, to whom he turned, was also his close friend. To be honest, i thought for a long time whether to record this video or not, i finally decided to record it, uh, because i just want to explain when a male criminal, otherwise this whole so called society, begins to tear out. His hair on his ass, screaming, that we need to start with ourselves, we need to unite, we need to open up the ulcers, this is all this crap, the rest, but as soon as it comes to a woman, they simply say that the problems are in her, and not in them and not in these ulcers. Do you really need Something Else from me, is it really not enough of everything that i have experienced lately, you can calm down, this is you telling me, this is you telling me, vera, we have very little time, we need to find out Something Else about the one with whom your father spoke at 9, lets put aside emotions, help us, i grew up with my father, and of course, i couldnt talk to him about love, about sex, eh, well, this is not accepted, because he a man, and im a girl, and he only told me that i should study, he, he believed that i should always just to study, or did he admit that one day i would have. A man and i would become a woman, im not alone in this, because millions of girls grow up as if they have no gender, as if there is no sex, as if there is no love. Vera, do you know these people in the photograph, there is sergei lvoevich, who was at my dads funeral, no, lets talk about each in more detail, sergei lvoevich, he worked with your father, yes, he now works there at the same institute, only in a different one laboratory, do you remember sergeyevichs last name, i dont remember, i have i have a business card. Thank you, vera. You go like this, you wont say anything to me, it seems to me that you need a psychotherapist, i have one, ill send you a contact, andrey, im on my way now. I really wanted to be special and in general my dreams, ideas about life, they did not stand up to any criticism, i think that in famoy we will have a lot of money, we will go somewhere to india or thailand and the two of us will live there on the seashore , uh, then he was killed and i was already pregnant, sergeyovich, we are interested in the moment of gromovs life after the collapse of the ussr, you did we communicate then . Well, of course we talked. Well, he was in despair then, because all his work was going down the drain, cofinancing was all over, but he hoped that the fsb would not need gilion, so he asked me for help. Why you, well, he knew that my wife worked there, who was exwife at that time, we parted as intelligent people, so i had the opportunity to turn to her. Good afternoon, she was studying. Threats, traveled a lot to the arab east, guilioni interested her, thank you, yes, all the best, goodbye, today we will try, close the door is on the other side, i dont let latecomers in. Heres to the meeting, you all have a chance to leave. I didnt have a single photograph , and there was a terrorist death at the control academy. The building is being evacuated. Take this from me , they left a girl, a child, near the st. Vladimir childrens hospital, the child does not speak for about 2 years. Mash, ill go there alone, that you stay in the car, okay, im fine, its not like that , what do you want, what do you want, quietly, quietly, what evidence do we have of her guilt, what is the testimony of her husband, he is her probably hates it what kind of people hates her . Now you hear, you have known her for many years, you are now inadequate in your grades, yes, she is like a mother to me, she pulled me out of this orphanage, i cant leave her, i cant leave her, i cant, i cant leave her, bitch, the wives of serial killers dont believe the accusations either. Which presents to their husbands, a person is not characterized only by the evil that he commits, on the contrary, we all do good deeds, because we are all good people, at least for ourselves, so so be it everything is fine, im going to dashev to find an apartment. Im andrey pavlov, i dont have a weapon, im here alone, i need to talk to you, ill say everything i do, in a few seconds ill come to the door, hello, i ll open this door now so you can see that im here alone, very slowly, you can look, and ill stand here myself, okay, i ll switch to you, i just dont want to mess with your brain, i understand why you want to kill her. Honestly, i would do it myself because she deserves it, you shouldnt be here, really, this train was meant to not for you, this train was intended for sasha zhurova, who was supposed to come to the closing of the exhibition of new technologies , however, we are slowly getting smaller people, they cant decide on anything, why, idiot , did you put explosives on yourself to stand here listening . Crazy, or he didnt tell you that he was in a mental hospital, dont listen, its just a provocation, my boy, your impulse will be appreciated by your superiors, but you have absolutely no tools of influence, thats the problem, you want to convince this fool, take off your belt and surrender to the hands of justice, look at me, just look, do you understand what this thing is . You want to kill doshevskaya because you hate her for everything she has done, but if you do this, you will become her, i talked to your father, he is angry. True, but hes very bored, you see that hes lying to you, its not like that, its true, shes a murderer , shell remain one before the law, just like you, and you, my dear, grandpa, a humanistic crap, worth nothing if on one side of the scale lies the new, ultramodern. Humanity always chooses a weapon, just wants to say that history will justify her, i want to say that you are doing your job poorly, you came here to neutralize a terrorist, instead you are throwing mud at me, this is not professional, on the other hand, what to expect from your departments, personnel are getting smaller, the mediator is not able to negotiate, the terrorist cannot explode, where are we going, have you done a lot to come here . And now i will do Everything Possible so that you leave here alive, what is your name . Lena, lena, you have a daughter, she is waiting for you, and so that didnt happen here today, shell always need her mom anyway, dont you see that hes scamming you, hell. Now tell you about cooperating with the investigation, after which theyll almost give you money for your exploits, dont be stupid, you will be imprisoned for at least 25 years, tyrism is the most serious offense, your child will still end up in an orphanage, lena, you know, i want to tell you one story, about one girl, her name is mash, she is my colleague, so here it is studied with Tatyana Viktorovna, all her life she considered Tatyana Viktorovna her mentor, can you imagine, it turned out that Tatyana Viktorovna 15 years ago forced her to kill a man, yes, i wouldnt tell you that masha is a person who easily gives in to pressure, she is, but shes stubborn as hell, she has her own opinion on any issue , she is paranoid, very smart, and Tatyana Viktorovna. No, this is a term in criminology, it means a way of action, so this way of action , it never changes for a criminal, no, well, maybe there were some cases, but this is very rare, so Tatyana Viktorovna did this 15 years ago with wave the same thing that she does. Now with you, you know what i mean . And im not lying. Masha told me about this herself, because she is no longer with you, no one is with you anymore , i wanted to help masha and you, poor fool, i wanted you both to get rid of men who are not worth your little finger, stepanov is stupid , we both know this, well, your famin, dont be a fool, dont listen to her , just focus on your breathing, take a step towards me, do you really still think that this is the Security Service of the room company, dealt with fami, no matter what she says now, its just a provocation , shes pulling the strings, yes, she wants to hurt you , no, its stepanov, he hit him in the heart with an awl, and then sawed off his head, baby, you lived, you slept with the man who killed the father of your child, you took one step, you were asleep, everything that froze, come on, press the button, come on, make jacques, step here. Everything will be fine, come on, come on what are you doing here, you know everything, right . Yes. Not so in general terms, partially captured odnoshevskaya hostage, well, okay, and i decided everything, mash, why did you decide, youre lazy. Such a thing that you decided, what . Its hard, march, dragging all this is moesh, it means you are being threatened, well, if this were not so, we would not have contacted you, why did you jump up, sit down . Relax, now you are still accomplices to murder, you have nowhere to go, now you take him to the bath, i will give you wonderful tools, saw off his head and throw it with you, no, i wont do this, no one will believe in threats if they will not come true, you wanted this girl, now she is yours, yes. You dont understand, im standing on the threshold of the greatest experiment with human consciousness, and you have the honor of helping me, and your friends calibri, by the way, shes much more talented than you, you should know that, she stopped being a person, mom, she loved you more than anyone in the world. She didnt want you to see her in this state, she wanted you not to live your life in this hospital, she wanted you to be happy, mom, and not to suffer, im so tired. I know, i finally got my passport, well done. I looked at the house, uhhuh, uhhuh, now, its beautiful, its in the same village, and the price is not exorbitant, so i thought its not completely crap, yeah, but zoya asked me to tell you. We are here to celebrate my beautiful daughters fifteenth birthday, she understands as much as we do, sometimes if you want to do the right thing, sincerely, then ask the children before they grow up. Masha, i want to wish you that you are happy, that you remain as honest and. I love you, at first i thought that this case began with the death of a girl named nastya koltsova, who jumped from roofs broadcast her death on the internet, then i realized that it all started much earlier, back in the nineties. Academician andrei gromov, whose laboratory lost funding after the collapse of the ussr, was looking for ways to continue research on the substance he invented, heleonia. Gromovs friend introduced him to his wife, Tatyana Viktorovna dashevskaya. At that time, she worked in foreign intelligence, she was interested in gillunium, especially its side effect of suppressing willpower and the changes in the psyche that it provoked. So thus, it became possible to control the human psyche. Suddenly, after the death of his wife, gromov stops working on gillionium, but he did not know that the experimental samples he gave to doshevskaya were already in use. During the investigation, i found out that doshevskaya approached my father, who at that time worked at the embassy and had connections in the arab east, with a proposal to introduce geleonium as a means of mind control. This opens up enormous opportunities for us, but. With islamic terrorism, its no, well, think how much this makes the task easier, no propaganda, no brainwashing, its enough for a person to just be next to gilion for some time and he can be manipulated, my father did not agree, then dashevskaya supplied him with salem, an arab boy, who studied at the same school with me. Hello. Grow it for the girl you love, thank you, be cool, girls love strong guys. He received a substance in a flower pot, in the soil, the substance retained its properties and could affect the psyche person, while remaining unnoticed. Under the influence of gilionius, salem stole me from my parents house. Perhaps dashevskaya wanted to show my father what gilionni was capable of, but it didnt work out as she planned. The substance affected not only salem, but his brothers. In relation to europeans, there was a terrorist attack on the market, my parents died, no one found out about dashevskayas involvement in the terrorist attack. She continued to look for likeminded people, including among our colleagues interested in using gilileonia, but never found anyone. Doshevskaya was transferred to the department of cryptography, her leverage became even smaller, but thanks to her former student , our colleague stepanov, a shadow group came into her field of vision. Stepanov reported problems with rons company and asked for protection. Then doshevskaya realized that she had found people. Capable of using the internet to exert a remote influence that affects the labile psyche of adolescents. All that remains is to repair the shadow group. By killing fomin in front of stepanov, she made him an accomplice crimes. The jackdaws chose to disappear, but galkin continued to follow calibria stepanov, he knew about their criminal actions, and he managed to infiltrate the correspondence with the victims. Galkin wanted to save the teenagers. Stepanov realized this ; on doshevskayas orders, galkin was killed. Nastya koltsova became the first victim of this experiment. Her death led to a number of teenage suicides. And the Security Service began an investigation. Another victim of the experiment was an illegitimate. Academician gromoy nikita. At udashevskaya the idea arose to get to gileonium through it. Calibri gave him a cactus, in the soil of which there were grains of that very substance. She needed to lead nikita gromov to learn the geleonian formula from his sick father. But gromov died suddenly, and nikita, under the influence of the substance, jumped out of the window. From this moment on, a new person of interest appears in our case, anna larina. Which is going to buy out gromovs company. Now doshevskaya needs to eliminate her competitor. She wants you to find a teenager like him in this laboratory. Ages like koltsova and gromov, it is desirable that there is some kind of connection between them that the police can detect, something in common. For example, they didnt know who their father was. Another victim was sasha zhurova, who was supposed to carry out an explosion at the exhibition. New technologies. Anna larina was a participant in this exhibition and was supposed to die there. Thus the circle had to be closed. And we would have such a picture in front of us. Anna larina bets on agileonea. The explosion at the stadium is carried out by the Ward Laboratory of depth, which is managed by larinas mistress, lisa kryukova. And doshevskaya sends sasha zhurova to the same laboratory. Hummingbird gave her mother an advertising brochure. And then i found a brochure in the mailbox. Laboratory for the psychological rehabilitation of adolescents, he can go there, it was not sluchanovskaya who ordered that teenagers be delivered in cacti, these are anna larinas favorite plants, if everything had worked out as doshevskaya intended, she should have taken possession of geleoniyai, all suspicions passed on to anna larina, because behind mine closely followed the investigation stepanov, i was under control, but their plan began to collapse with the appearance of Andrei Pavlov , who ordered the death of the pregnant woman, but instead of faith, her brother died, then doshevskaya decided to destroy pavlov, but she failed, and her charges kolibriye stepanov got out of control , so her plan collapsed, and why do you think she did all this, tatyana viktorna, she wanted to take revenge, isnt it clear who to take revenge on . Organization to which she dedicated her whole life, all her strength, all her brains, in the end, she wanted to show you, or rather us, everyone, how we were mistaken about her, she did not earn money for stars for shoulder straps, her merits were not noticed, not recognized, she failed to convince the management to cooperate with gromov, no one believed that gillioni could become a weapon of mass destruction, she was considered just an old fool and thrown away as an unnecessary thing, do you really think that she really dreamed of teaching at the academy for pennies , and i dont even understand why i didnt do it before, i. I feel so inspired, you know, i havent had a normal rest for 10 years , yesterday in the middle of the night i woke up and thought. Baby, i because now i can go to italy, and then i think why to italy , now i can go anywhere, i just didnt know who you were and where you were, and my mother was constantly talking some kind of nonsense and was afraid to tell me, because she i thought that i would be embarrassed, really. she took the photo, not me , i had nothing to do with it, i caused your mother a lot of harm, okay, you did it, but you cant, but you cant do all of yourself life is tormented, my mother is happy, she has a new husband, another child, her life is no longer connected with yours, and mine is tied. So stop talking about this nonsense, we have a lot of normal topics to talk about, besides how evil this is, and somehow i got drunk and had an accident, there is a pond there, there are ducks on the pond, okay, well then we need to buy bread , and i have with me, oh, good, hello, marina, vera, marina, come in, its somehow awkward, i didnt know that you were a psychotherapist, by the way, you didnt come here to talk about me, tell me i dont know whats going on with you, but i dont really know where to start, from childhood, probably, hello, hello, come, did you come to congratulate me on my appointment . Than, well, how bortnikova left, now im in her place, and you agreed, well, of course, my life, my work, i congratulate you, thank you, its like lenas, now i can show you my tits, no need, youre like, me, listen, i. I never talked about my feelings like that, admit your love for me, well, we can meet like this, but we dont have a chance, we are different, no matter what we do, look at you, at me, a spectacle disheartening, yes. Well, you know, it cant be that my life, your life, it cant change, yes, but im against everything called family, remember, oh, pick it up , ill show you, lets go, what, i have a new friend, girlfriend, i picked it up at the pet store, so far shes afraid, she wont go into her arms, yeah, maybe she was tortured there , i dont know, cool, looking, yeah, do you want tea . No, no, no, whiskey, cola, something more serious . I dont want to, i congratulate you, really, thank you, yes, bye, okay, ill bring you, yes, well, dont get lost. Well, to be honest, i thought for a long time whether to record this video or not, but i finally decided to record it, simply because i want to explain. The truth will win, how do we know, only the truth will win, you want to adopt katya chestikova, yes, i knew her mother, she died, and then he was killed, and i was already pregnant, and i was just a pig on a string, they pulled this string, this is a thread, this is a child, and i did everything that was required of me, there is a huge queue for adoption, we always meet halfway , but within reasonable limits, you work in the ministry of internal affairs, your service has little compatibility with raising a child, especially a child who faces a long adaptation, this first, second . You know whats going on there is no prohibiting law, but it will be almost impossible for an unmarried man to get custody of a girl. Did i understand what i was doing, yes, people really want it. Believe in their own exclusivity, and it doesnt even matter to them what they are better at, that they can solve 50,000 equations, or kill 50,000 people, there is no one from the rooms, there is no one who would know, they will not let us go on the roof search, blue sea above your head, watch the lights in your heads forever, know forever, just lie forever, look right now, famous in in certain circles, businessman korshinov, he ran a chain of massage parlors around the city, can you imagine what consequences his violent death could have for the city, maybe zoya hired someone. Hello, angry, somehow you dont really look like a grief stricken widow, but im ready to give you the rest of the money, but you really did impose deadlines, but you did the job. I didnt kill korsheno, i just watched and collected information, who is this girl . Im sure these are two different

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