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Vysokovsky for a long time resigned himself, so he doesnt spare money for a second blonde, a separate mansion with a terrace has already been built for lena on the site, they are purely externally the same, inside they are different, ours is more classic, there s modernity inside, i think, some people say its changing, but its not it happens that not cheat, i give my head for the truth that my husband did not cheat. I never, firstly, for 25 years we have never parted with him, so same to him cheating like this, then and like this, like that, so i say, i, he opens the car for me, for 25 years he opens the door to the car , my everything, and me too, they just give birth, handsome, but its really so expensive, theres no such husband, double the amount, all the gifts, all the worries, all the attention, hes a foreigner. But his root is russian, his generosity is definitely russian, guys, he doesnt have a small one, he has its just that everything is big, i say there, its tiny, well, buy this much , that means, heres a mountain of a car, we have the biggest ones with lenka, we all just have different colors, i love some candies on the set, he was looking for me, i say, anyway, buy, well, 50, 100 grams, so it weighs 5 kg, exactly 100 times more . Well done, he has a broad soul, dima, you make polina happy, every year it becomes more difficult or vice versa, i make polina happy with sincere applause for all her gifts, in my honor, but what do you do to her . Well , thats what i do, im happy, and youre happy, well of course, you know, dima knows how to dress me, he really loves to dress me, a wedding dress, as we remember, yes, this continued, so dima knows how to choose in an amazing way, so everything always fits perfectly, we never change, he was always stylish , he always dresses the same way, for him its just a treat, when i tell you something good, i just think about it, i tell all my friends, my husband bought this for me, this is it, sam, sam, leon how you pamper your spouse with your presence, and gifts, attention, flowers to there words from complication complation i do it turns out very nice, well, everyone has their own, as they say , surprises, when you hear the phrase lets get to know each other, dont rush to brush it off, what if this is your destiny . It was a program where the stars aligned, see you on the ntv channel. On march 8, 1988, moscow time 14 52 , a distress signal is received at the operators control panel. From a tu154b passenger aircraft flying on the route irkutsk, leningrad kurgan, 120 km from vologda, the crew is given a note from a group of terrorists demanding to change course, follow the border, follow to london, do not descend, otherwise we will blow up the plane, you are under our control, it says we demand to fly to england in brackets london and descend, in case of descent the plane will be disrupted, the pilots refuse. In honor of march 8, the senior conductor receives a note and the commander addresses him. Like this, i dont know, this is either a joke or what, a notebook gives a note, from a notebook into a box, that means a piece of paper, which means, probably, after arrival, after landing call the police, received this note, opened it, read it, the note, well, such a childish, calligraphic handwriting , written with these conditions, the situation will only worsen when it becomes known who exactly is behind. The plane to escape from the soviet union, this is the super popular Jazz Ensemble semyonov, all the musicians are the ovechkin brothers, the eldest vasily is 26 years old, the youngest sergei is 9 , also on board, their two sisters and mother, one of the girls, it seemed to me that the ensemble semyonov is flying with us , and im already leaving truck, well, they will probably show their honor on march 8, it was necessary to urgently decide what to do, do the invaders have any, and what is really going on on board and what is the real degree of threat to the passengers and crew . I prepared a pistol for slow use, so i suggested that they send me to solon for negotiations , well, the engineer got confused and said, let me go, like, well, the older one seems more respectable, if the person sent for reconnaissance is taken hostage, he should give a prearranged signal so that the crew does not open the doors and does not allow capture. Such, if everything is fine there, i think, with the uniform, with the tie, then my tie will be fine, but if the tie is to the side or somewhere else, well, then the doors should not be opened, the port engineer enters the passenger compartment and immediately sees a hunting sawed off shotgun aimed in his face, the older brother ovechkin is holding a weapon. He means this in a way, well, its inconvenient, he somehow instructed me there , i say, you remove this matter, if you want it to be the way you want it, then dont do anything stupid, now you need to somehow resolve the issue, the Flight Engineer informs the terrorists that there is only enough fuel in the tanks for an hour and a half flight to london; they must land to refuel somewhere in finland. The elder ovechkin is ready to agree, but then the mother of the family intervenes in the conversation. At first glance , Flight Engineer stupakov understands that she is the main thing here. She says that you should listen to him, he is hanging a bullshit on your ears, and you listen to him, take him away, and the matter will be over. The Flight Attendants do not believe their eyes; at first glance, a decent peaceful woman turned out to be a monster, but the experienced Flight Engineer it takes a few minutes to persuade the men armed with sawn off shotguns. The ovechkin brothers and their furious mother, do not shoot and agree to the landing. Before this, they never agreed to go to finland, no, no, they were shouting something, they had some kind of agreement there, they immediately extradite us, they shouted something to him, but he just went and said everything here , they firmly agreed that everything would go to finland, from the logbook captured by the plane 15 57, they took the senior Flight Attendant, seated them among themselves, nervously, as a Flight Attendant. Tamara hot herself volunteered to become hostage, this decision will be fatal for her. I reported to the commander, i say, tamara, and doesnt demand that one of us be there, i say, tamara, lets go together, because it was clear who will go there, thats all, he will stay there, shes like that , she seemed to completely withdraw into herself, changed in her face, everything , the person who made the decision, then one day she immediately decided, took it under her nose and. She went, they took her and she didnt come out anymore, apparently she wasnt released, that is, she did not appear neither, nor, nor in the kitchen, nor in that place conductors, she was sitting there, her older brother was sitting with her, with a weapon, vasily, the board of the conductor alexei dvornitsy, under the barrel of a sawnoff shotgun, was sent to the next salon, as he walked around, after a while. For some reason, from all these events i drew a conclusion , that a plane was being hijacked, and i turned to him, to the steward and touched him on the shoulder, and he also lowered his head a little on his knees, so he hugged his head with his hands, its clear that he was in such a depressed nervous state. Is located, asked him, i say that the plane is being hijacked, he did not silently nod, a few minutes later there was information from the commander of the court, who announced that dear fellow passengers, our plane , at the request of passengers, was leaving for england with refueling in finland. The crew was heading to obank. In fact , there was no talk of any refueling in finland. The pilots acted according to instructions that if the plane was hijacked , they could not leave the countrys airspace. Such instructions appeared after several successful hijackings of soviet aircraft by terrorists abroad. October 15, 1970 lithuanians branas brazinskas and his son algerdas they captured an an24yearold along the sukhumibatumi route, the terrorists killed Flight Attendant nadezhda kurchenko, wounded the crew commander, the navigator and the flight mechanic forced the crew to fly to turkey. Upon arrival in trabzon, pranos brazinska, who escaped from criminal charges, told the turkish authorities that he hijacked the plane for ideological reasons. The soviet governments request for the extradition of these criminals was killed and wounded, the second one was made. Practically for the entire life of the second one, they were not given planes; moreover, they were given the opportunity to fly to the united states. Thus, turkey will become a transit point for air terrorists fleeing the soviet union. On july 25, 2030, a worker at the travel center, petrov, hijacks a corn truck flying from rostov to salsk and heading to turkey. There he receives political asylum and leaves for canada. On may 26, 7, the previously convicted sosnovsky forces the crew of the riga mail flight to stockholm, where he also receives asylum. And finally, on november 7 , 1982, the schmid brothers and their cousin shuler hijacked an an24b en route from novorossiysk to odessa. The hijackers receive german citizenship, and the crew receive reprimands for allowing the hijacking abroad. The actions of the crew in the event of the hijacking of the airliner were very clearly spelled out in this service. We read after listening to the criminals demands, it is necessary to explain to him that they are impossible to fulfill due to lack of fuel or bad weather conditions, and offer to land at one of the airfields of the soviet union in order to refuel. If the criminal does not agree, the commander decides to simulate a landing at a foreign airport. This is exactly what the crew of the plane hijacked by the ovechkins decides to do. 15 37 the Flight Engineer returned to the cabin, they reported on the results of the negotiations, 15 38 the leningrad cursile flight, well , its probably worth adding here, there were questions, why didnt they land in leningrad . So, but since the visibility was sufficient, there was a haze there, about 4 kilometers, we thought that they could determine that they had been deceived, that we could blow up, as soon as he came in for landing in leningrad, they saw a huge, big city, so say this will cause lets. Send us to a military airfield, such a military airfield of the veche, there is no particular city there , it was foggy at that time, we were warned only when they had already, when they had already made a decision, this is about 20 minutes before landing, they called me on the phone, the operational duty officer, the point commander comes to see us, the tu154 has one armed criminal on board, i say, you didnt mix anything up, hes not, comrade. Hes already on the landing course, somewhere in the area at 16 oclock the alarm sounded in the garrison and the whole the personnel arrived at the airfield, took their jobs on alert, the ovechkins are on edge, perhaps nervous tension is affecting them, or maybe they feel that the pilots are not saying something, so they carefully monitor all the maneuvers of the aircraft, the aircraft began to turn so that he. This caused panic among the terrorists, one began to knock on the door, the other began to shout, where are we going , stop, etc. , he began to run around the cabin, then he began to shout, dont look at me, which means, psychologically, at this time to them the conductor rushed in, tamara was hot, she said dont worry, dont worry, we re going to turn around, to land in the city of kotka. Finland, they seemed to have calmed down, the captured tu154 was supposed to land on this runway. Now its empty here, the airfield was closed in 1993, it should have been empty here in 808, so that neither the equipment nor the uniform of the soldiers would give away that this was not finland at all, but as a result, everything turned out completely differently, we landed right with my starboard side, where i was sitting, i saw tanker. And literally there for 23 seconds , hiding behind him, very soviet soldiers in soviet uniforms were visible with the inscription sa, conscripts, after landing, after turning off the reverse, soldiers began circling the plane. Thats where it all started, when they saw that they had been deceived, thats when they immediately had such an emotional explosion, everything was psychotic , then everything started taking off, taking off, exploding, psychosis began, immediately they started screaming, immediately swearing, which means screaming such false squeals, they started shouting at the sturdes, what do you mean to us, well, obscenely deceived, manula, why, they said, why are soviet soldiers at the plane, soviet soldiers at the plane . The capture group is arriving, commander, which means nikhamirov is saying again, i beg you, the main task is now, another 2030 minutes, take your time, send. For anything, there, on a south korean plane, for lack of documents, refueling, whatever, but half an hour take your time, they will agree, they will disagree, let them think, discuss, if only one shot is fired, they will outlaw themselves and will be destroyed like rabid dogs, exactly an hour has passed since the landing, the capture groups are still no, the ovechkins are starting to carry out their threats, the first to kill the Flight Attendant. Samara is hot, they are shouting there , thats it, lets take off, well shoot passengers now, weve already killed your one bitch, thats how it was, then, what i heard in at some point i heard a shot from behind, two or three seconds later, the second attendant told the captain, well , it turns out i was in the first cabin, i could see the door, i heard her say, commander, they killed tamara, and they will kill passengers, they said they would kill one passenger every 10 minutes. After the murder of tamara zharkaya, events develop rapidly, the usual amon squad, not ready for such operations, without waiting for the antiterrorism group, gathers to storm the aircraft, but the ovechkins do not intend to give up, just once lay down at the pilots door, the second one who was armed in the kitchen, that is, only the trunk of our salon, the trunk looked out, because there the curtains were closed, the trunk was closed through the curtain and he controlled everyone sitting in the first salon, communication functions. Performed this very one, well, he wasnt the youngest, he was 15 years old, igor, he was running all the time, moving from the tail, which means to the pilots door, transmitting some information all the time. The crew is doing everything to stall for time, simulating refueling the plane. The ovechkins understand perfectly well that is happening and they are trying to force the pilots to take off at any cost. They grabbed this stewardess again, valentina, by the head, by the hair, he began to beat her head, face against the pilots door. She screamed heartily, i have a child, dont kill, and so on , he screams, ill shoot her now, one of those terrible memories, probably, when this valentina nikolaeva, she was behind the pilots door , there was a front kitchen, he forced her one of the ovechkins is there, well, apparently shouting that he is the commander, open the door, are you killing us, they will kill us now, you see, right away. They couldnt open it, the ovechkins understand that the door to the cockpit wont be opened for them, and they decide to break it down, they break the door, the door will withstand a ram or not, the devil knows, if they break into the cabin, destroy it, shots are heard, the cabin of the plane filled with passengers is clouded with gunpowder smoke, they shot at the floor , moved, shot at the pilots cabin, there is an armored door to the door, they shot at the luggage racks, that is. They periodically shot as they moved, that is, they created Something Like this nervous depressed environment for passengers, so that everyone would be shocked by fear and 3 hours after landing at 7 minutes past eight , the first group of special forces enters the cabin through the windows, they put on body armor already inside, it is impossible to squeeze through these narrow windows, they open the door and open fire, when they opened the door, rapid fire, that means one wounded fell on me, one, that means, they wounded two, alechkin, with that, the assault attempt ended, from the side of the pilots cabin, the door slammed, during this period, all of life penetrated, because you really understand, well, thats it, now its possible that we didnt expect any salvation from anywhere, because we understood that since this didnt help us, this shootout didnt help, in this. Ovechkins they finally realize london is good bye, they are not destined to fly away from here, they simply will not be released, the first assault will be followed by another , the musicians detonate an explosive device, for a while the plane seemed to shudder, so that means the commander says, in my opinion, we were blown up , this powerful explosion thundered im like this the chair threw me up, that is, the plane received such a detonation from the explosion , there was a loud enough bang, then panic began among the passengers, from the second screams were heard, fire, we are burning, panic began. The homemade bomb does not work as the ovechkins expected; no one received even a scratch; the explosive device only set fire to the casing, and the flames quickly spread throughout the cabin. So she seemed to have dully lined up in this, but she sealed the kerosene. And kerosene pores, they instantly, it titanium fire, that is. The iron gets hot, the water doesnt work, you water it, dont water it, but the water doesnt reach, but its the metal thats already burning. Vasily ovechkin asks his sisters and younger brothers to save themselves, says you have nothing to do with it, they wont touch you, after which he shoots his mother, then the brothers kill each other, only igor gives the slack, he hides in the toilet, escaping from the burning plane, to most passengers you have to jump here directly onto the concrete from a height of four meters. The result of this tragedy is nine dead and 19 wounded, including terrorists. The plane burned down completely, yes, the ovechkin family half ceased to exist, yes, but the passengers, who broke their legs, who was injured , the surviving ovechkins were arrested , a trial awaits them, various prison sentences, broken destinies in complete oblivion, based on their stories will later be written into books and a film will be made, mom, with nona mardyukova in the title role. We followed the trail of the surviving terrorists for a long time and finally identified all the members of the notorious family of survivors meet the eldest daughter lyudmila ovechkina, she is the only one who did not take part in the seizure , they are not notorious, some criminals there hoped that they would be released anyway, they would not take them so seriously, and so it happened. Family of terrorists, and this is tatyana ovechkina, at the time of the capture, she was 14 , she remembers a lot of things that she would like to forget forever, and the worst thing is this scream, its hard for me to remember, so she says, did you understand that everyone there is burning that they did not come out, and gave an exclusive interview to our program Mikhail Ovechkin, who hid from journalists in europe for many years. One way, the other, today the ovechkins will tell for the first time everything they have been silent about for more than 30 years. Who forced a simple saleswoman from irkutsk to form a gang of her own children . Why did they decide to hijack the plane, who was their accomplice among the members and who was waiting for the family of terrorists in the west, immediately after a short advertisement, the testimony of eyewitnesses who knew everything and were silent, and the confession of the ovechkins themselves, who had been waiting for 32 years. It infects, it vomits voice and you cant count the beats per minute, it brings you to the point of wheezing, to goosebumps , to fever, to tears, we are all sick of football, sick of football in the stadium, get a fan card on gosuslu. Ru, an experienced detective, an experienced diver, they are on opposite sides of the barricades, but fight with the bandits, they will have to work together. Diver, tomorrow at 22 15 on ntv. On your screens are footage that will become the materials of a highprofile criminal case 1985, the celebration of the days of culture of the irkutsk region in moscow, the main stars are the family ensemble seven simeons. The ovechkin brothers are applauded by the entire capital, including peoples artist Mikhail Ulyanov, and spectators are eager to take pictures with their younger brother seryozha. Of course he killed everyone. An absolutely charming earring who played superbly on the banzhe for irkutsk, such an ensemble was, as many people said, wrote and so on, a calling card, of course, this ensemble traveled to a lot of competitions, festivals, here is a recording of the program from a wider circle, now it seems incredible , but in the mideighties, seven simeons were more popular than the one starting his career philip kirkorov. Igor ovechkin, sword belt. 1985 promised them a bright future. Central television is making a documentary about ssem simeonov. In it, the ovechkins appear as a friendly family. No one knew what dark passions were raging in and what dark secrets these cheerful musicians were keeping. To unravel this tangle, you first need to take a closer look at the ominous figure of the musicians mother and the head of the ovechkin clan. Neneli ovechkinas life not only ended, but began with tragedy. When the girl was 5 years, the great patriotic war was going on. There was hunger in the rear. And in such a field, a watchman may have accidentally shot her mother while she was trying to. Steal potatoes, he was drunk, or such a bastard, maybe he shot, he didnt mean to, he could kill, but he did, well, thats what happened , my mother wakes up in the morning, they rented a room somewhere at someone s house, she was, what, 5 years old in fortytwo, i say, i remember well that the neighbors are talking, where should we put her now, i say, its all like that so he says i understand, i take a cup of flour, i went, i wandered around relatives, ended up in an orphanage, most publications about the ovechkin family say that ninels father died at the front, only her eldest daughter told our program that in fact her grandfather survived, he came from the front, got married, pershov, sergei, grandfather mine came, he came to my mothers orphanage, he invited my mother , he says chermukhov worked here, he was the head of security at the Processing Plant , even here he has a house, he says it was a big one somewhere, he bought it, my mother took it with my mother, brought her to visit, he says, lets meet , this your mother, he says, i had one mother, but she didnt accept this wife of his, this accountant, in any way, she was offended, apparently at him, that he was like that, at the age of 15, ninel was taken from the orphanage by his uncle, its a long time to live for someone elses account, a girl. With the rest of her character, she didnt want to, got married, went to work, first as a waitress, then as a salesman, so she remained a salesman all her life, ninel was 18, her husband, driver Dmitry Ovechkin, was 25. The first guy in the village, the chairmans son was , he is a normal, handsome guy, athletically built, small in stature, but very they took him, they even wanted to take him to the circus, his father did not let him go, a year and a half after the wedding, the first child appeared in the family, lyudmila, followed by. The second daughter larisa, but she will die at 6 months, so we buried larisa, where im here, hes probably here, mom, dad, grandpa, navopashina, baba tanya, dads mom, after larisa she had an abortion, then, she had such a hard time with this abortion, morally, then she said, ill give birth to everyone god willing, the most younger children, ninel ovechkin. I gave birth already over 40 in a serious way, even by todays age standards, although the doctors clearly said it was time to stop. I gave birth in the eightieth year, and my mother gave birth in the seventyninth, seryozha jr. , of course, she was already warned there that she was already bearing, could not bear, i even delivered ulyanka myself, and she already had a rapid labor, there its just that they were worried about her, that she. Might not even give birth. A quiet, inconspicuous husband, wife, mother, hero, and their 11 children. The rapidly growing family moved constantly until the executive Committee Gave them a house at 24 detsky street, in which a famous jazz band would appear, and then a secret plan to escape from the soviet union. Irkutsk, workers suburb, that same childrens street. Just 6 years ago there was a large house here. And the ovechkins, in which a tragic story began that ended on march 8 , 1988 at the prophetic airfield. The area is called a working suburb, but 32 years ago it was more of a rural suburb; the ovechkins had a real village farm with a vegetable garden, pigs and cows. Tatyana ovechkina was very young, but she remembers well life in a workingclass suburb, however, a carefree childhood on childrens street, with her. From an early age, the ovechkin brothers and sisters were engaged in housekeeping. They washed the dishes, my mother cooked there, whatever she could, i had already learned to cook. For 10 years i have already given to everyone, well, somehow they did it all, i dont even understand now who washes the dishes, who cooks, who looks after the little ones, everyone and the little ones even helped, who can do what, dmitry, since he and i were on the same page course, there were only two trumpeters of us, we were studying , so we were very close, he invited me to visit him, as long as i was with them, he immediately changed into work clothes and went hay. Bored with the household, the cow, cleaning, the garden, well, in general, around the house, they immediately began to do everything, they didnt work until bedtime , strict discipline reigned in the large ovechkin family, ninel sergeevna rarely raised her voice to the children, but ruled everyone with an iron fist, well, mom , she was always in charge, she also led dad, as if the most important there was a mother, how would she say that, even at work, someone somehow recognizes that. A woman like that recognized, we started talking, she just recognized my face, its also from the same street , many years have passed, he says, yes, i thought your family was actually some kind of sect, we were all in one pile, somehow it was like our own state, our own family, well, everyone helped each other, we couldnt help each other leave it like this, i dont even know how to explain it. Well , family is a big deal, when everything is like this, all together, as they say, its you can break one twig, but you cant break a broom like that, if suddenly they lifted him up and, god forbid, they called him according to his last name , you understand what i mean, yes, look forward to meeting other brothers who are at school and immediately throw their briefcase at recess forward to punish the offender, so there were few people willing to offend the ovechkins, well, only if out of stupidity. 66 school of irkutsk, the ovechkin brothers and sisters studied here, their classmates are reluctant to remember their former comrades, the seven simeons and their sisters were almost not friends with anyone, behaved withdrawn, only communicated between themselves. Sanya, for some reason i dont remember whether he was. Or wasnt, but he definitely wasnt a komsomol member, they dont take such people as cosmonauts, well, its simply that hes inactive, his life position is public, completely, no matter how that indifference, he was not interested in the class, the class was for him to finish his studies and go home , igors class teacher, told me that she, which means it was useless to call ninel sergeevna to school, she did not come and she had to go to them home, when she came to their house, asked why, say, igor wasnt at school it was, sergeevna always had a reason, she needed to stay with the younger ones, they needed to do this and that there, that is, she never gave the children offense, she worked not far from home, in a winery. Here was that same blue store, blue without any associations, just blue , it was painted really blue , ninel sergeevna worked in this blue store, ninel sergeevna got her husband a job in the same store, as a result the family did not live in poverty, although they lived very simple. No order of course no, the stove was heated until it was hot so that no one would freeze, well. So to speak, there was garbage everywhere , dirty dishes on the table, uh, well, that is , they had no time for that, because the economy was such that everyone had to work, i came in, i remember this very moment, i felt very bad , you know, it felt like half the earth, well , it was so dirty, the kids even walked around half naked, it would seem that the mother should have accepted with hostility the desire of her older sons to study music, because there was neither time nor money, but ninel ovechkina unexpectedly allows her offspring to create an ensemble, it happened from school, vasya was chosen as a drummer in the pioneer, dima gornisty , they went to the palace of pioneers, in the palace of pioneers there was pal palolych, who was at budyonnys or something garnista, there was such an old, tall, handsome grandfather, he looked at them, listened to them, went to practice drums, trumpet, dimo, started practicing, started practicing well, then we oleg saxophone, then they couldnt live without music, then. We just started our own realize that you can create your own ensemble. Ensemble seven simeons, this is a fairy tale, vasya read it, there is a fairy tale in his native speech, Seven Brothers and everyone knew their job, well , of course i dont think that they were there , of course they would want them to play, so that they would have music, but most importantly, so that they are always together, friendly with each other, it is not necessary that they will be great musicians, but the main thing is that they have all this warmth in their souls. When they already began to be a specific ensemble at school, they began to participate everywhere in all sorts of competitions, festivals, all sorts of holidays, they were silenced with them everywhere, well, they performed everywhere, the secretive and selfcontained ovechkins did not arouse any suspicion among their neighbors until a mysterious crime occurred in their house, in 1983 a corpse was discovered there, ninels husband, the father of her numerous children and the nominal head of the family, dmitry vasilyevich ovechkin, all the circumstances indicated that this was a murder, the eldest sons became the main suspects, neighbors began to avoid the housemates in fear, under what circumstances ovechkin sr. Was killed, why his death was beneficial to his own children, how ninel ovechkina turned from the head of the family into the leader of a family gang, why the ovechkins went to the American Embassy, ​​who helped them hijack the irkutskleningrad passenger plane, who was waiting for the family of terrorists in the west, see immediately after a very short advertisement. It was you who stole your grandfathers dirk at the age of 7. This is what the men from the yard told you, fighter. You were the one who was never afraid of a fight. Its with you, shes calm everywhere. Your friends can always rely on you. You cant do that. Its you, and here you are, among your own, criminals will not catch themselves, ivan kolesnikov, sergei zharkov, first department, new season, premiere, tomorrow at 20 00 on ntv. On may 3, 1984, news spread around the workingclass suburb, ovechkin sr. Died under strange circumstances, i was already asleep, he died at night, i will have a brother, dad, they still didnt believe it, it happened at night, little tanya was told that her father was let down by a weak heart, i first had a stroke, someones heart, i didnt have time to arrive soon. Long, but the arriving doctors will find fresh traces of severe beatings on the body of the elder ovechkin, and then they will find witnesses who saw how, shortly before his death, the whole crowd of sons brutally beat their own father, neighbors saw how the boys brutally beat their father on the street, all the elders took part in the beating, that is , vasily, oleg, and their barely alive father was dragged away into the house and, as the neighbors again said, apparently they added more there too. The suspicion of premeditated murder was added by the calm reaction of the widow and her eldest sons to what happened. Dad died, by the way, dad died, a lot of our pigs died, mom said he took it with him, well he died, so what youll do it, well. But somehow by the way, that is, as they went on with their work, they went on with their business, so they did it further, its quite possible that they scored, vasya was a very healthy guy, one might even say, athletic , this is what was different about them, you see, he had big fists, the guys, yes, it was quite possible that he hit him so hard that he could hit or fall, but for some reason no one brought official charges against the ovechkin brothers, it was filed by. That means its a criminal case, i also read about it, but its a criminal case case, it remained without consequences, in general , no crime was found in it, it seems to me that this was the first call that society did not hear, passed by, missed the mark, and well, in the future, this. Cruelty towards people, it was just gaining momentum, years passed, but it was still unclear what it. Was an accident, a spontaneous fight, or the first planned crime of the ovechkin family. The sisters are silent about this, perhaps they really dont know, but there is a surviving brother. In 2009 year, the russian Sensations Program found the last of the ovechkin brothers in barcelona, ​​where he supported himself by doing odd jobs as a wandering street musician. He was clearly not happy that journalists from russia suddenly approached him. Would you like to come back people . I, i dont want to return to russia, id rather die here, and the sooner the better, after that interview, Mikhail Ovechkin mysteriously disappeared, his traces were lost, it seemed that he could no longer be found, but in 2020 our correspondent managed to find out again his secret hideout right now for the first time he will tell the whole truth about the hijacking of the plane and the death of his father, tell me, this is how you remember how he died. The notorious hijackers of a passenger plane, the large ovechkin family has preserved many photographs of the mother of the heroine ninel ovechkina, her seven sons and four daughters, you can hardly see the father and nominal head of the family, Dmitry Ovechkin, in photographs; there is a feeling that they tried to. Hide his existence from prying eyes. It was not without reason that the ovechkin brothers and sisters were embarrassed by their father. According to neighbors, dmitry vasilyevich was a bitter drunkard. He seemed to be a normal father, small in stature, such a nondescript person, silent, doesnt say anything, not even hello, not goodbye, but just like you know, as if in some kind of suspended animation. And then once we look, hes drunk, hes drunk, hes chewing, literally 10 minutes later, what . Dima, lets swear, he got drunk again and poured some into the teapots. Acquaintances and neighbors believed that dmitry vasilyevich was a drunkard, quiet and harmless; today the eldest daughter lyudmila would tell for the first time what was really hidden in to the ovechkin family later, when i was already growing up, i was simply surprised at myself and at my mother that how could you give birth to so many children with such a husband, we had him. He was handsome, young, single all his life, every year a child was born, he was everything we were single, he was out all his life. Young Dmitry Ovechkin is remembered as a man of unbridled passions, he loved to drink, when he drank, he trailed behind every skirt, disappeared for several days, and then returned, as if nothing had happened, he would punch and take a walk, on his knees, asking for forgiveness, thats it, then time will pass again, but the further, the more difficult it is to endure the antics of a father with many children, often in a drunken state he rushed at his family with a knife, then with a gun, well, he became rowdy, with a knife, he lost his head, became abnormal, he was sober, better you cant imagine him, the man was golden, his hands were golden, and a drunken fool was a fool, he shot drunk, but this already happened, probably somewhere in 70. Seventyfifth, seventysixth year already, dmitry vakhamelyuta was very violent, he could take a gun, which was in the house and shoot at their children and ninel sergeevna always shouted lie down, so the guys really had to lie down on the floor so that the bullets would fly past, the eighties of drunken brawls. Less, when the eldest sons grew up, it was the father who got it, he and vasily, which means that his assistants took him somewhere to some distant village, they dumped him there so that he could sleep there and not be seen, they of course did not mark this nothing to do, but i heard that they beat him, you see, because of this, the torment of ovechkin the elder suddenly ended on may 3, 1984, after his strange death, to poison the life of his wife and children. There was no one left what happened on the night of may 3 in house 24 on detsky street, but it is truly unknown, the criminal case about the death of Dmitry Ovechkin could not be found in the irkutsk archives, maybe the investigation knew about violent temper of the victim and simply did not want to cast a shadow on the family of famous musicians, but none of the neighbors doubted that the father was beaten to death, his own children, however, we managed to find the last of them to speak. Who saw with his own eyes how his father died. What was it . Murder conspiracy or accidental death . Today he will openly talk about it for the first time. If its about the death of the father. In fact , someone decided to hush it up, then this played a decisive role in the life of the ovechkin brothers, because just in the eightyfourth year the musicians careers were rapidly going up. The older ovechkin brothers, vasily, dmitry and oleg, became interested in music from early childhood. At school , they were unexpectedly fascinated not by hard rock or pop, but by american jazz. I dont know why they fell into this jazz, thats what i thought just wondering, no, what. At least it was popular , everything seemed to be fine now, i dont know why. The older brothers entered the irkutsk music college. In 1983, vasily ovechkin came up with the idea of ​​creating a family ensemble in which the brothers would play different instruments. One of the older ovechkin brothers, vasily, who was already studying at the art school, brought his boys. Vasily told Vladimir Viktorovich romanenko, who at that time was very active in jazz and was a huge fan of it, that they read semenovs fairy tale, each brother had his own responsibility, so they decided to call their ensemble seven simions, the older brother vasily played the drums, dmitry the trumpet, oleg the saxophone, not to learn by improvisation. According to the teachers, the brothers performing skills were mediocre, nothing outstanding. Dima played the trumpet with difficulty, he didnt read notes well, well, olek was the same, i wouldnt say that they stood out with any abilities, i wouldnt say. Only two people had real talent, teachers say. Brothers, little misha, he played the trombone, keyboard player igor. Igoryushka. He was a good musician, a generally awesome arranger, they asked for a lot, he played well and he also moved music with some straw somewhere , doing something around the house that went to his head, he ran to record music, the ovechkins were liked by the public not at all for performing skill, their trump cards were instilled by the old mothers strict mother. And genuine, as they would say now, chemistry on stage. I remember when on one of the holidays or anniversaries, and the ovechkin group seven times was invited to our assembly hall, to our school in the sixtysixth, and when they started playing, when they started playing, well , it was really cool, they opened up all the tricks there, it was really professional, everyone you know, they played emotionally, not just. There they perform their number, just like that, you know, like a real jazz band, when they play, play and when the musicians turn to each other, then they had this smile, they smiled, of course , beautifully , at my home school, though the ovechkins performed only once, they quickly became popular, they became famous and there was no time for school concerts, they were famous , the city was basically a small music college, a school then i. I got used to the fact that it is now our college, but they knew, and concerts there were, we have open concerts, and we always invite the philharmonic , the eightyfourth year, the allrussian debut of the gnesinka stage, then a festival throughout russia in georgia and the baltic states, the eightyfifth year, the world festival of youth students, participation in a popular tv show wider circle, the simeons perform on the same stage with pugacheva and kobzon, a very happy time, festivals, concerts, applause, everyone loved them, Mikhail Ulyanov held seryozha in his arms when they performed at the creativity days of the irkutsk region in moscow, everything was wonderful, relatives said, unexpected success and recognition changed the ovechkins before their eyes, there is already an increased. Some kind of hostility towards someone there, if you consider yourself inferior, of course, this was also visible, although not to the same extent, but since we dmitry and i were close to me. He did not show such feelings towards others, yes, i saw that he considered himself inferior to someone, in 85 at the jazz festival in riga, the seven simeons quarreled with their mentor, romanenko did not allow them to improvise with the masters after the performance, he said, its too early for you guys, they were offended, the ovechkins already considered themselves accomplished great musicians. However, apparently, this conflict was not based on art. And the real leader of the seven simens, the iron mother of the heroism of the Seven Brothers, ninel ovechkina decided stop dancing to someone elses tune, you guys, the greed of their mother and older brothers forced them to break with the leader, they decided that they themselves could do everything and the main thing for them now was to earn money, this wrong approach, it. Turned everything around for them life. Lets deal with the accounting of a large family during the period when the ensemble gained allunion fame. Debit is nineli sergeevnas income, and we are not talking about the sellers salary at all. In the workingclass suburb it was no secret that the heros mother illegally sold vodka from floors, of course at a premium. She had a special window, thats where everyone who was thirsty, so to speak, knocked, she knocked. She gave it out, the neighbors once told me that somehow , out of curiosity, they decided to count how many people came to the ovechkina factory per hour, they we counted a dozen and a half people per hour, this is evening time, but what was going on there at night . One can only imagine, but the fact that she sold vodka all her life under the counter, i know that, i saw it personally, people came at night, opened the sofa, there was such a mountain of wine, vodka, not money she takes out, everything is fine, 2. 20, in my opinion, the cheapest was vodka, but she sold it for three rubles, well, if vodka is more expensive, then the same wheat was 3. 80, lets say , she could for 4. 50. Sell and even for 5 rubles. No one had talked about this before; a criminal case was even opened against the elder ovechkina for alcohol speculation in the kuibyshev District Department of irkutsk, however, as in the case of the mysterious death of her husband, this case was also hushed up. Yes, back then you could have been jailed for speculating on vodka in no time, you know, so to speak, but shes not there, well, the mother is a heroine, dexselen closed this criminal case, you know, so to speak , the quiet one, well, they told the investigator the criminal case was closed, well add to the ovechkins budget numerous benefits and payments from the state that are due large family. At the end of 1986, for participating in state festivals, the ovechkins received two adjacent threeroom apartments in a new building in the sinyushina gora microdistrict. After moving to new apartments, the farm on the childrens street with its own pigsty and cowsheds is practically abandoned. It became very difficult, first of all, the house was abandoned. There was still a household in the house, you cant go back and forth, this is in one area, this is in a completely different one at the other end of the city, there is nothing to live on, they had to be fed with something, well, it didnt turn out to be a mess at all, this it was necessary, i dont know how hard it became for her, she had never even received a pension. And didnt work, they lived on farms, they had to give up farming these apartments, you couldnt leave the children alone , the boys there, they all had to be fed, well, in general, it was a nightmare, the concerts on which so many hopes were pinned turned out to be an unprofitable enterprise, the golden rain in the form of fantastic fees for the performance was in no hurry to fall on the seven simens, they did not earn extra money, they worked for free all their lives, if they were paid, they would they probably lived as friends. Probably they wouldnt be so eager to go anywhere, dima, i remembered that they were forced to perform at school for free, yes, that happened and he was indignant that he didnt want to perform here for free, only for money, and if they got it for money some kind of game, they literally gave up all their classes, rebaptized everything, everyone immediately went to work, worked, unexpectedly it turned out that before you get a good fee, you first need to. Invest a lot in the ensemble, instruments, stage costumes must also be bought with your own money money, Nina Sergeevna knew how to find funds in order to provide for her children. Which, of course, she idolized, the envy of all the guys in the Brass Department of the music school, thats where they studied, was the french trumpet, a french trumpet, this is an insanely expensive instrument in modern times , also, igor had a good piano, i remember how petrov got this piano for us, it was on guard. This one in irkutsk for this one for karl marx this was a music store there for how they ran around, they borrowed money , they bought petrov, when we brought this piano , we opened it, it turned out to be an anniversary one, in general, we were lucky with the tuning. So, lets get some money. The ovechkins were not millionaires, but they lived no worse than many other residents of irkutsk. They are definitely beggars its impossible to name, the problem was different. The simeonov jazz band, despite the efforts of the entire family, did not pay for its existence, it turned out that you cant earn a lot from jazz right away, you have to study for a long time over the years to hone your skills, constantly update your repertoire, write hits, all this was difficult for too long, and was not much like the sweet life of public favorites. And then they had the idea, why try and wait, and even with the unknown. Where success and wealth will immediately come on their own. Jazz is understood only abroad, they were jazzmen are crazy, they didnt consider popular music to be music at all, everything was stuck on this basis, a few years before the plane hijacking, the older ovechkin brothers decided to marry foreign women, oleg even received. The nickname american for that he managed to enter into correspondence with a girl from arizona, wrote in english, sent and a letter. When the elder vasily fell in love with a simple girl from irkutsk and even decided to get married, his mother said, dont even think about it, he wanted to get married, there was a good girl, she was also a musician, well apparently this was the upbringing from nineli sergeevna, because you see, if you marry a foreigner, there is a prospect of leaving for. After parting with the artistic director, things are not going shaky for the semenovs , not going well, on the one hand, fame is growing, they are being shown on television, but they are no longer invited to serious festivals on large stages. In eightysix, the ovechkins decide to try their luck in moscow. The local city leadership decided to reward the three older ovechkins, for which they its unclear, and they allocated three places at the gnesensky school, where there was a scholarship, where there was a dormitory, where, in general, all the conditions for further development, the famous pianist, director of the gnesensky, valery grakhovsky remembers the seven simens well, a lot of ambition, less skill, desire to learn absolutely not. At first , they turned a blind eye to the whims of celebrities. I think that somehow on the wave of popularity. When they didnt get in, you know, uh, there was some kind of poblash element, you know, for talent, for their, uh, at that time this can be called media, when they performed, in general, such a funny group was, in my opinion, such a semiprofessional, uh, in general, this is such home music, studying in gnesinka is given to the three older simeons with great difficulty, in gnesinka, in any school , even here. They dont, they need to plow , the work needs to be developed there, it needs to be worked there, and why did they think that they couldnt, they wouldnt work, they could immediately be leagues, that is, they already revere, we know everything, we can do everything, the ovechkins, uh, having appeared there for a short time, they decided that there was no one for them to learn from here, they didnt need to, they had already achieved everything that. Failure, thats what they told me, that they were simply expelled after the first semester, order number 52 on march 4, 1987 at the gnessin state music school, comrade ovechkin, a thirdyear student at the school, on march 2, 8, in general, all three were expelled for family reasons, signed by director mukhin, the iron mother of heroism ninel ovechkina finds out that the older children dropped out of school and plunged headlong into the bohemian life of the capital, that there vasya , dima, olezhe, the trinity, the grownups, began to behave like hooligans, the younger ones began to complain about the older ones to their mother, mother, and there are boys like this, this way , there, there, there they walk, they sat in restaurants there , and there, well, from where i dont know, minel sergeevna becomes furious, she didnt put her life on the children so that they would follow the slippery path of their fathers mother speaks hands to feet in moscow, took them from there when they started it seems that they are already dabbling in everything that is not necessary, the seven simeons are returning to irkutsk , but the happy streak for them seems to have ended, the next brother alexander will soon go into the army, the ovechkins understand perfectly well that an important part of their success is the kids who are growing up before their eyes , the older the ensemble members get, the cooler it gets. The audience begins to accept it, the main highlight is these little guys, you know, they touch the audience, they touch the leaders, as soon as they grow up, theres nothing special about their ensemble seven seeds will not be. So, the project of a family jazz band is still rumored, but is quickly moving towards its collapse, along with all the dreams of the ovechkin family about a Beautiful Life. If things had continued like this, there might not have been any capture. Plane, but fate decides to give these simeons another chance they are invited to tour to japan. In 1987, seven simeons , together with other groups from the city, were invited to go to irkutsks sister city, the ancient japanese city of kanazawa. The dream of going abroad is so close, but one problem is revealed with his mentor he stopped working with him. To deal with them, they immediately stopped working and the level dropped so much that. I was sent, so to speak, to listen to their preparation, so to speak, i was in the kuibyshey Cultural Center , i listened to them, there was no level, there, well, as the musicians say, it was complete crap, it was impossible to let their kuonia go like that, i invited them to go, to vladimirovich romanenko, to apologize, and, so to speak, to ask him again to raise his level, so to speak, to start studying, only then, thats what happened, they came to him, naturally, fell to their knees, that he. Japan struck the seekers the Beautiful Life of brothers in the very heart. They were on another planet completely, it wasnt riga, nothing, of course, its not this anymore, not moscow, so they were, well, amazed by this japan, they were amazed, they told everything, and that the asphalt there was almost glowing, and. Thats it beautiful, everyone is smiling, everything is clean and bright, of course, it made an impression on them, after their Living Conditions , everything, but this is an indelible impression, they were simply delighted, they really liked that lifestyle, they really liked how they were received, them, they were impressed by their acquaintance with jazzman from america. In my opinion, he was an africanamerican, a black man, to put it simply, so the americans offered the ovechkins to move to america, record there in a studio, discs, etc. , etc. , and thus, in their understanding, they would immediately turn into millionaires , ordinary irkutsk guys would immediately become american millionaires. The brothers decided to stay in japan at all costs . They went to look for a taxi in order to go to the American Embassy, ​​to catch or find a taxi, or somehow they couldnt, well, probably the language they didnt know, probably, lets just say, they were just narrowminded, its not so easy , on the streets of a big japanese city, to find a taxi at night, but they had to. Stupidly return to the hotel, then the ovechkins themselves claimed that they did not stay in japan, because they felt sorry for the mother and sisters who remained in irkutsk, because they also dreamed of going abroad, however, this is the official version, perhaps the ovechkins still managed to contact american diplomats, a former employee of the irkutsk kgb department decided to talk about this for the first time, veniamin ragalev. So they came, here they were, they were walking with their family, they came in, none of them spoke english or japanese well, well, somehow they managed to come here. And the guards, we told them there that, in principle, that in the soviet sonya live well, they dont have any motives to give them political asylum there, they dont have any disagreements with the authorities and so on, that is , everything is fine with them, so they cant imagine any asylum, and so on , that is, everything that they were told is possible in did the American Embassy tell them something else, unwittingly or, on the contrary, consciously pushing them to hijack the plane . Their subsequent actions show that they said something, the direction of some specific direction, and what is needed, perhaps that they need to somehow leave with noise. If their mentor had been with the ovechkins at that moment, everything might have turned out differently, but Vladimir Romanenko was not taken to japan. When they were sent on a trip to japan. They, as they say, have lost their minds, this is a foreign country that they now begin to dream about at night, forced them to prepare for such a terrible action, the ovechkins returned from japan with burning eyes and one goal, no matter what you do, get out of the ussr, well, of course, it would be better to live like japan, for example. There, of course, there was no comparison with the then soviet union. Immediately upon the return of the seven simeons from japan, the ovechkins began selling valuables. There was a spontaneous market here, popularly called a patch, here on this patch, and nelya sergeevna was selling, she was seen more and more often, here on this on this spot, shes selling out. I also sold here good japanese equipment that the brothers brought from japan , where they performed, cassette coolers and tape recorders , as far as i know, and things too, things were also sold, because igor was selling a raincoat, he arrived when he had a hat from japan. With a hat, a long cry on the very heel of the leather, so he sold it too, in february 1988 , the ovechkin family decided to hijack the plane. The sisters claim that from that moment on, the older brothers were in charge of the situation, and the mother simply obeyed them. Well its not no she said, the boys spoke, but what could she do, when she could only then follow. The lead, she still couldnt cope with him, her mother could no longer resist, they persuaded her that she had to, anyway theyll let us go, well go there, we can earn money there, it will be easier there, we wont have to go there anymore, its like, how long will we have to wait . There followed sasha into the army, igor into the army, as it were, but they needed to develop, which is probably why they were in a hurry, perhaps a terrible idea, under it was not ninel ovechkina who first proposed using the threat of a weapon to hijack a passenger plane, but she also did not try to dissuade children from a decision that could result in dozens of human casualties, why . She herself always taught them that to achieve a goal, all means are good, they, with their little Life Experience , could not understand how scary it would be, what it would lead to, but i dont understand their mother, with her vast Life Experience, who could not understand, what she dooms her family to, they say, is the most important human sin pride, this. Led to such a sad end, and this story is still bleeding in our soul, the younger brothers and sisters were not initiated into the monstrous plan, from lyudmila, who by this time lived separately with her husband and children, he they also carefully hid it, they came to me here somewhere in the winter , we were apparently already planning to do so, but they told me that they wanted, oh, either to sell these or to change apartments and move somewhere to the sea. As they told me, and we will organize there, it seems like there will be an ensemble, well open some cafe with an ensemble, thats what i heard, and they dont seem to have read anything about this, about any london, of course, i hadnt heard anything yet, february 1988, vasily, dmitry and oleg bought two hunting rifles from friends, citing that they wanted to go hunting, when they asked, these are the ones who, well, lets say rented a gun, he says, but i didnt even guess and couldnt even guess what it was for, well probably they wanted to, they wanted to go hunting and so on, they made sawnoff shotguns, gunpowder, they bought cartridges and capsules without any problems from another acquaintance, another friend, viktor perevalov, they asked to carve a metal body in the shape of a glass, then it was used to make an explosive device, an iron blank, as they said, this is a glass, a stand for a drum, a stand. To the drum, well, who would have known that it was a bomb, they sharpened it, thank you, they said, as it turned out later, this was their first bomb that they tested, the bomb that they exploded in a vacant lot in pervomaisky, here completely tore apart the concrete slabs, in general, the explosion was very strong, after successful tests of the bomb, the ovechkins ordered two more metal cores for explosive devices from a turner of the irkutsk regional consumer union, now they had to decide how to bring weapons and explosives on board, the idea arose to hide them in the double bass, so that the instrument would not be tested, the brothers decided to improve it, as it was later found out, we carried out an investigative experiment on the double bass, took a double bass from the philharmonic, so it could be to inspect, of course, but they also knew this, and in order to be 100 sure that they would not be inspected, they attached a clamp from a meat grinder, as if additional devices to this double bass, in the presence of which it did not fit at all under any circumstances, in an introscope, in february the ovechkin brothers made a test flight with a double bass to moscow, it turned out that the plan was working, they bought tickets to leningrad on march 5, an aeropet plane, they arrived on flight 242, shortly before the fateful date, tatyana, who did not know about the plans of the brothers, had terrible dreams, as it turns out later , prophetic, our whole street was burning with flames, i still remember it, a terrible dream, i dreamed that it was my mother in our house, there in workingclass irkutsk, she planted cucumbers, i i look and say, wow , mom, its february, and you already have these. Big, already just like that, they will bloom soon, but i didnt even think about it, so i planted cucumbers for you , then these are all ridges, they stand like that, mayuki, on march 5 , we couldnt fly away because of one of the sisters, who ran away on a date with her beloved, the hijacking of the plane had to be postponed to march 8, march 8, 1988, the ovechkin family of eleven people enters the airport, their carefully thoughtout plan works, the double bass filled with weapons and explosives does not go into the introscope, as the ovechkins expected, no one bothered to inspect it. They were dressed up, they gave flowers to the women who were standing at the inspection inspectors, they gave them flowers, what a festive mood, can you imagine, in the morning, they give you flowers, they say beautiful words, they stood on inspection, employees, if they had followed the instructions to the end, if they had said oversized cargo, please, that there is a special nitroscope about 800 meters away, where there is oversized cargo, thats all, they would have been caught, in court it will turn out that the original plan was to hijack the plane spend a few days later when departing from leningrad, but during an intermediate landing in kurgan, the brothers changed their plans and decided to hijack the plane on approach to the city on. Thats it, they passed, weapons, they carried the set, the plane took off, and the refueling in kurgan, after everything was quiet, it was calm, after refueling in kurgan, they decided to act, so to speak, only one of the ovechkin brothers, mikhail, has survived to this day, the same trombone player who was considered one of the most talented in seven simeons. 11 years ago, ntv correspondents discovered him in spain, in barcelona, ​​where he eked out a miserable existence as a street musician. Then it was clear that he didnt say much and was clearly nervous. Hes afraid of something, does he really still have something to hide . What did you dream about and your brothers then . They dreamed of leaving the soviet union. And even you . Me not. Ironically , he will be the one who will be able to leave his homeland forever from the entire ovechkin family. Immediately after that filming, ovechkin disappeared, even his sisters did not know where he was or what was wrong with him, only now we managed to get on his trail, only now. When he has absolutely nothing to lose, he seems ready to openly tell everything , about which he was silent for many years. Fabulous barcelona, ​​the heart of the capital of catalonia , the Sagrada Familia cathedral, at the entrance entertains tourists street jazz band. In this place, 11 years ago , medyakov and Mikhail Ovechkin fought for a handful. He is the only one of the seven simens who managed to make his childhood dream come true leaving his homeland for a foreign paradise. He was not happy about the unexpected meeting with journalists from russia, and clearly did not say much. What did you and your brothers dream about then . They dreamed of leaving the soviet union. Im not, ntv journalists did this filming in 2009, soon after the interview Mikhail Ovechkin will mysteriously disappear, no one in russia, even his own sisters did not know where their brother was, whether he was even alive, how to identify a street musician in europe, and even a homeless person living here as a homeless person, it seemed like looking for a needle in a haystack. The search took six months; we combed almost all the shelters in catalonia and as a result we were lucky. A barely perceptible trace of the last of the ovechkin brothers led us to the outskirts of barcelona, ​​to a local hospice. In russia, however, such an institution would be called more likely a shelter. Mikhail ended up here after stroke, now he moves in a wheelchair and speaks poorly. How did you end up in barcelona . In barcelona, ​​i was called. Paris, over barcelona, ​​august 12, 2000 and began to elect, today many facts will be heard from the telescreen for the first time and we will see with completely different eyes the terrible events associated with the hijacking of a plane by air terrorists from the Famous Family Jazz Ensemble seven simeons. In the hostage and aircraft siege , the ovechkins were preparing for the most guarded secret about what was to be done. V not everyone knew about the big family, and those who knew kept their mouths shut, well, what london , of course, i had never heard anything about then, when everything was ready, an unexpected problem arose, one of the ovechkin sisters, olga, staged the entire plan of the seven simeons in danger of collapse. On march 5, Olga Ovechkina suddenly refused to fly with her family because of a date with her lover. Until the very end, she refused everything. Well, they even postponed the first flight, they werent supposed to fly on march 8, but earlier, and then olga kicked up a little for something, didnt wanted, they switched from persuasion to threats, but this had no effect on olga, she found a scythe on a stone, the iron ovechkin character was showing, well, the family finally persuaded her and agreed, yes. But before that, on march 5 , she met with one person, she became pregnant, and on march 8, she had to fly out for 3 days, happy olga went on a date. Olga , in principle, also didnt want to go, well, she couldnt, not that she couldnt, physically but mentally she couldnt leave them, she was worried about them, just mentally, olga finds out about her pregnancy later, already in the pretrial detention center, and. On march 8, she, along with her mother, Seven Brothers and two sisters, approached the registration desk. Among the passengers on flight 37 39 was dmitry ordenov, twentyseven, who was heading to leningrad on a business trip. Upon arrival at the airport for checkin, i noticed, well, firstly , the airport was deserted, because it was a day off, and there was a group of young people, i at first took them for foreigners, who were dressed very well, fashionably for those times. Expensive and provocative. Fashionably dressed for those times the ovechkins looked too closely at their fellow travelers. This seemed strange, but who knew that the musicians studied their future hostages in this way. Group. Young people, i immediately noticed, somehow intently, they looked at the passengers, especially the males, including me, but then over time, after all the events, i realized that they apparently calculated who could potentially offer resistance from the passengers the process of theft. Dmitry remembers well, among the ovechkins luggage there is a huge contrabase, where the terrorists hid a bomb, two sawnoff shotguns with a hundred rounds of ammunition. This is a psychological move. This double bass, which means the case was carried by the smallest children, that is, the girl, in my opinion, was carried by the smallest boy , that is , the police looked at them so nicely, which means the airport employees, they walked with it, a Musical Instrument of the semeon ensemble with the navigator of flight 3739, vitaly kravchenko, also remembered the deadly filling. The double bass, its so big, they put it in the tail, and since the planes alignment should to compensate, at the expense of the double bass, the whole family went to the second cabin, so they sat there alone, flew in the second cabin, practically alone, this whole family, two crew members were not supposed to fly that day, copilot Alexander Anisimov was already preparing for flights as an aircraft commander. I had already entered the ship commander Training Program and had to wait for the instructor to come out in order to, uh, start flying according to the program, well, commander training, i came to the detachment, there was no instructor, which would introduce us, and that means the commander, Deputy Commander says youre leaving, and peter , i say, of course, im flying, stewardess tamara shouldnt have been hot on this flight, shortly before departure she was appointed head of the Flight Attendant service of the irkutsk air squad, before that she had just sewn a new uniform for herself, the bourgeois service came running to me, it was in the same building where my office was, she was on the fourth floor, i was on the second, she came running to me, of course i was glad, she fitted this one for herself i sewed the uniform, yes im flying march 8th, i say , maybe theres no need to fly after all, i need to be with my mother, congratulate her, but no, im going to the theater and so on, there in leningrad. Well, it still flew. Moscow time is 8 06, the plane takes off from irkutsk, the flight proceeds without incident. The ovechkins, trying not to attract attention to themselves, are quietly talking about something. Initially, the ovechkins planned to take hostages and hijack another airliner on departure from leningrad. This had its own logic, because a plane with full tanks of kerosene can be sent anywhere, however, they realized that the contrabass attracts too. A lot of attention, their cache with weapons and explosives could be discovered at any moment, so it was decided to capture this particular plane while there was such an opportunity, while refueling in the mound, the ovechkins said goodbye to their homeland, the soviet union, of course they cant stand it, but the heart still ache. We went out to the airport while the plane was refueling, and there was some kind of souvenir kiosk, they were buying something there, so i also went up to see what kind of kiosk they hadnt seen since. One came up to the other and said, showing someone, it means he was twirling a local souvenir in his hands, i didnt see what it was, only a voice was listening, he said there will be a memory for the homeland, there will be a memory for the homeland, in the mound igor bayev climbs on board, a seventeenyearold guy graduated from Technical School and before starting to work in my specialty, i decided to visit my sister in the pskov region, new passengers are seated in an almost empty second cabin, kovechkin, i went in, i saw a group of people sitting in the host part, quite numerous, children, women. And its worth double bass, case with double bass, i sat down somewhere, probably, the third or fourth row from the partitions, in the outermost place towards the aisle. At 13 09, the plane takes off and heads towards leningrad. After about an hour, the ovechkins will decide its time to act, they will quietly take out sawnoff shotguns from the double bass and hide them under their clothes. The first such bell was, for some reason , a young guy was standing at. The toilet and did not let the women in, they left, a man stood up and wanted to go to the toilet, at that time the terrorists snatched both of them, so to speak, from under there were sawnoff clothes, they said, everywhere, otherwise we would shoot, well, it became clear that something incomprehensible was happening, weapons, people, Flight Attendants rushed towards them, i heard that from the back seats the call signal for the Flight Attendant was constantly being heard and the Flight Attendant began to go there, two, three, four, five times she walked back and forth. Well, i thought it was strange, i thought maybe something had happened, i turned into the passage and saw a sawnoff shotgun pointed in my direction. 14 50, they hand the board over to the conductors. Then theres a knock, well , hurriedly on the door, irina, the eldest, comes in, he says, well, the commander is speaking, the commander, there are some hooligans flying there, he hands over a note from a notebook, from a notebook to a box , it means a piece of paper, it was written there, which means a requirement not to descend, the plane is mined, if ours are not complied with. They didnt understand , the door was closed, we say, but how, who is it, who is what, she says , its ovechkina already then, well, thats it, we realized that this was serious, weve already asked for land, which means both there and there, and moscow i asked irkutsk, because everything was going. Through inspection, we were told that there was an inspection, it went fine, thats all, except for the double bass. After this message , the ships commander, vasily kupriyanov , has no doubt that this is not a joke, their plane has been hijacked. He closed the cockpit and reported this to the Flight Control center, so to speak. They said well, continue, continue the movement, so to speak, it is necessary to start with them, so to speak. the pilots have instructions that detail the actions of the crew in the event of an aircraft hijacking to land at a soviet airfield, passing it off to terrorists as a foreign airport, and wait for the capture group, all that remains is to negotiate with the ovechkins about an unscheduled landing. I say to fedorovich, fedorovich, lets not panic, they discussed everything there that i would go to them for sentencing, which means that somehow we must get out of this situation, but what if during the negotiations the terrorists take the City Engineer hostage and hide behind they will penetrate into the cockpit, in this case it was decided to give a conventional sign, immediately before entering the cockpit, if danger arises, the Flight Engineer will move towards galstov, we they closed the door, the door was latched, they let him through the first cabin, and in the second cabin there was already. In a nutshell the Flight Engineer and calls to shoot him without further ado, but Flight Engineer stupakov manages to persuade his older brothers vasily and Dmitry Ovechkin to listen to his words. An announcement was made over the speakerphone over the internal phone. For technical reasons, our plane will land in kotka, finland with refueling and a subsequent flight to london, england. Now we urgently need to decide which airfield in the vicinity of leningrad will work for finnish will be able. To accept the landing of a passenger airliner, we decided to have already entered the st. Petersburg zone, as if therefore a spare tallinn, it still somehow fit a european city, lay down a team there, a group or captures, or whatever it is according to the instructions its supposed to, they then say you can sit down in the choice, choice, we say, well , we can sit down in the choice. They say, well , lets go to vyborg then, so we turned around, headed for vyborg, in the ancient city of vyborg, leningrad region , there is no passenger airport, but in soviet times it was 20 km away from the city there was a military airfield of the prophetic, it could well be passed off as a provincial finnish town only if the Ground Services manage to hide the soviet equipment of conscript soldiers, on the advice of their mother, before landing, the ovechkins demand that they fly along the runway to make sure everything is in order , the crew, citing lack of fuel, refuses. At 15 57, the ovechkins, fearing that they were being taken into an ambush, take the stewardess tamara hot hostage, the brothers seat her among themselves, at 16 05, the liner lands vveshchevo, somewhere around 16 oclock, an alarm sounded in the garrison, and all the personnel arrived at. Drom took his jobs on alarm, everyone knew his maneuver, everyone knew what to do, but we were not yet they knew why we had come and what was happening, then we. the team was told that a plane with terrorists had landed, then it turned out that they were terrorists, the seven semyon ensemble, the ovechkin family, discord began in the teams, the pilots followed their instructions , and the military strictly follow their own. Our regiment was located on 40 km from the state border, and its main task was to, well, cover the airspace in this sector, so the runway. Must always be clear, because the takeoff time of the duty crews of aircraft to stop the violation is from four there to 8 minutes, during which time the pilot must get dressed, take his position in the cockpit, start the engine, taxi and take off. The military is faced with the task of preventing armed terrorists from getting access to combat aircraft in a residential town, but to camouflage a soviet border airfield no one is going to the finnish outback, the former commander. Of the air regiment states that it was impossible, when approaching it is impossible not to see that this is a finnish airport, well, excuse me, it is impossible to confuse a Russian Military airfield with an airport, and these people, how could they not to leave, not everyone did it, well, the plane landed , but everyone fulfilled their task, to prepare for departure, to prepare. Stripes, they fulfill their tasks, to say that how come you didnt do it in 1530 minutes they could turn the airfield into an airport, well, probably not quite, as if correct, the only chance to deceive the terrorists is not to stop on the runway, but to taxi here to the hangars , on which there was an inscription in english, it appeared 5 years earlier, when a hijacked tu134 landing here in the eightythird year, flying from moscow to tallinn. He landed here and then they suggested that they also said that they had landed in finland, yes, they did not believe in it at first, but they were convinced by their surdes that our soviet troops were serving in germany, poland, czechoslovakia and finland too, and so that they will now provide refueling, but in order to refuel you need to drive here to these, and here then it would be easier to resolve all the issues. 80. On the third, the criminals were dealt with, but in order to make it more convenient to deceive the terrorists next time, it was decided to write air force on the hangar air force; at the beginning of eightyeight, the Garrison Commander , just in case, ordered this inscription to be updated. For some reason, a month, two months before this hijacking, the following thought seemed to come to me, suddenly someone would sit in with us, and i would drive him away here in this corner, like a zone. Where is the zone, well, its like a hexagon, on each side there is a hangar, about 810 m high, in order for the planes to stand there, there are large floodlights at the top, large floodlights on each of them, plus i gave the command write, but just in case, what if Something Like this happened, if he taxied there, perhaps. Everything had gone differently to the scenario, maybe we would have somehow convinced them that they were in finland, but this plan was not destined to come true, the decision, which would turn out to be fateful, was fixed in the negotiations between the crew of the airliner on the ground, the vechevo asks not to stay on the runway, the penultimate taxiing to the right, to the end of the runway, if you stop, do not turn off, the pilots answer do not turn off the engine, i will stand here, then they shoot. Having suddenly found themselves on our territory, just 40 km from the athens border, the ovechkins realized that they had fallen into a mousetrap, and screams and shots were heard in the cabin. As soon as the plane landed, the hostages immediately realized that this was not finland, but a soviet military unit. Behind the tables there was a tree, some silhouettes, they began go out gradually, about 150 meters, probably, from the strip. But even with an unarmed look i saw that these were soldiers of the soviet army, because they had these characteristic long chanels, hats, earflaps and kalashnikov assault rifles on their chests, just like that, this did not hide from the terrorists from the family ensemble of the seven simeons, the first the alarm was sounded by the same Olga Ovechkina, because of whom the seizure of the ship was postponed from march 5 to the eighth. Olga looked through the portholes, watching, and jena saw there that our soldiers, that this is not abroad, not finland, our soviet airfield, after landing, after turning off the reverse, soldiers began to surround the plane, this is where it all started, you wont see it. That they were deceived, here they immediately had such an emotional explosion, psychosis today, everything started taking off, taking off, exploding, the pilots are addressing the terrorists over the speakerphone, refueling will begin any minute, after that the plane will immediately take off, for the time being the ovechkins succeed calm down, regiment commander yuri antipov receives an order to hold the plane until the group arrives hijacking, the crew is asked to stall for time, the fighters of the alpha group. From the duty officer of the state Security Committee information that a tu154 plane was hijacked, the alarm was announced to the unit, the personnel were assembled , and accordingly, they took with them what was required from weapons and special equipment , we went to the airport and flew to leningrad, together with the fighters, the legendary. Group hero of the soviet union Gennady Zaitsev is departing. Such a professional is quite capable of persuading a mother with many children and her sons to surrender, but the arrival of alpha is postponed, their plane simply cannot land on the runway, because it is still occupied by the tu154 captured by the ovechkins. I talked with him, with the commander of the ship and so on, i asked him this question, why he doesnt release us to the landing kobuses and so on. Well, complete confusion. People and so on, because they were forced, they said, we will shoot the pilots cockpit and so on, but they would not have been able to shoot the pilots cockpit with their own, this also needs to be known, especially to the commander of the ship, in the end the special forces will have to get to vyborg on transfer planes, we were forced to sit down at the civil airport in leningrad, they gave us four. Border troops, while we were reloading on them, on these four helicopters, but they didnt get up right away and so on, meanwhile the ovechkins cant stand the wait until refueling and threaten to start shooting people, so well just convince them, they seem to calm down, all over again , lets say the soldiers commanded to remove everything, the soldiers removed everything, followed the command, it turns out that behind the gas station counter there, well, somehow i dont remember the officers already. Turned out to be with a machine gun lying there with six wheels and the little one saw, thats when he saw it, that at that moment they killed tamarut, something that they were deceived by another shot, it happened somewhere in the area, probably, the kitchen of the plane, behind my back there was almost two or three meters, and a body fell , there was such a characteristic sound, a short pause and a mans voice. Lets take her, that means, well take her to the second salon, to the tail, in my opinion, thats what was said , Dmitry Ovechkin fires the fatal shot, irkutsk acquaintances remembered him like the most restrained of the brothers, but after landing in the prophetic, he is becoming stronger every minute, overcome by rage, the mastermind of the whole hijacking, at that moment, it means, his mother appeared, such a hysterical cry, kill the passengers, then shoot everyone, if if we dont fly away, it means well blow up the plane, but the situation. Was very serious , because firstly, they were all armed, yes, they shot, they shot at the floor, moved them, shot at the pilots cabin, there was an armored door to the door , they shot at the luggage racks, he approaches the plane refueling machine, the crew realizes that they have at least half an hour of precious time, Flight Engineer stupakov leaves the cockpit for the second time, imitating refueling as he left, which means there was one of the turdes, her name was valentina. It means that this senior ovichkin took her by the hair from the back, that means he stuck the gun through her, well, it was all in front of my eyes in the first word, he stuck the gun in, that means under her arm, he walked away about two meters and shouted, come out, engineer, ill cover myself with the ordae, that is, she covered himself like a shield, thats how he came out, that means he closed the door behind him, took a telescopic stepladder, that means through through the top of the tank, not automatically to the hose, opened the plugs, pulled out all the time, we were told, pull, pull in the air, take time on the ground, pull for time, then i noticed that the fuel consumption meter, well, the refueling well as before on these gas pumps, it stands at zero, that is, the needle does not move, but i realized that the drain would go away. Naturally there will be a capture, naturally there will be an assault. The refueling simulation ends at half past five. Special forces alpha is still on the way, the Operation Command decides to send the usual amon from vyborg to attack. Who happened to be at the airport at the moment. The crew is waiting for the signal to begin the assault, the clock hands seem to have frozen forever, time has stopped. We just didnt come up with something, that we dont have a map, or we ll give you this atlas now, fly commander. Then, when on the runway they still stopped the command to move the planes to attack, at the same time there is no command, no, they are nervous, how to convince them, that here we are. Well, of course they were already irreplaceable, it seems to me, when they realized that this again meant screams, again swearing, here they grabbed ordessa valentina by the head again, he began to hit her by the hair with his head, face against the door of the pilots cabin, it means she was screaming heartrendingly, i have a child , dont kill, and so on, he screams, im about to. Shoot , and so on, as he beat her for some time, so she screamed, furious ovechkins open indiscriminate fire from sawnoff shotguns in all directions, trying to knock out the armored door to the cockpit. After the landing of the hijacked plane, more than 3 hours pass, at 15 minutes past seven, the assault begins, several people were killed, three or two, i dont know exactly, it means the special forces of these capture groups, they entered the cabin using ropes, that is, there is a the cockpit windows open , the canopy opens, they throw out the ropes, they climbed up there along these ropes. The assault, which had been anxiously awaited for several hours, lasted no more than a minute. The door opened slightly, after all, there was some kind of gap, someone one of the people screaming, there are people there, well, that is, they saw these uh special forces who were already standing there at the ready to shoot them at the entrance and this scream. They scream after this scream they all fall to the floor and the door opens the shooting starts, when the shooting starts, all the craps arrived, when did they open the door, rapid fire, well, rapidfire shooting, that means one wounded fell on me, one, that means, two of them were wounded by these olechkins, and this was the end of the assault attempt, from the side the pilots cabin door slammed, slammed, thats it. Another group of policemen entered the plane through the luggage compartment, and at the same time they began to shoot from under the floor, this is from the luggage compartments, the first and second cabins, that is, apparently they fired from machine guns, because there was very active shooting, endtoend, everything was flying from under the floors, bullets, they shot through the passage, because they believed that the ovechkins were moving in the racers, between the first and second salons, well, according to the logic, they and the passengers. Apparently in their places, and the ovechkins can it was, therefore, from under the floor in some way, that is, neutralized, the bullet hits the youngest of the seven simens, nineyearold sergei ovechkin, the same one who captivated the audience with his playing on the bandja, the clock hands show 19 16, the assault is over failure, the policemen from the capture group were injured, terrorists, no longer abroad, they will not be released, and they are unlikely to leave the cabin alive, at 19 21, the crew radios, the ovechkins shout that they have nothing to lose and are going blow up a plane, back in irkutsk on a family at the council, the older brothers and mother make a terrible vow to each other if the plan fails, we will blow up a bomb and commit suicide. At 19 26 in the cabin of the captured. There is an explosion, the plane seemed to flinch, so the commander, in my opinion, we were blown up 19 26 the ovechkins explode a homemade bomb on board the hijacked plane, but the fragments go up to the sides without touching the terrorists. Flames quickly spread throughout the cabin of the aircraft. The hostages have only a few minutes to escape from the burning plane. Screams were heard from the second salon, fire, we are burning, it has started there was already panic, of course, the flames were strong, yes, because the fuel was also on the plane , thats all, and the plane itself was burning quickly. The stewards, the stewardesses, at that time decided to begin evacuating passengers after the explosion, they opened in the tail of the plane , at the beginning of the plane doors, at this time oxygen and air began to flow, and this gas spread throughout the cabin, the fire spread throughout the cabin, and then the cabin began to fill with smoke, well, since i was sitting in the windows, it means that i should look out, there is the right one door, emergency, from it, that means passengers jump onto the concrete, with clouds of smoke, in general, such a panic began, in general , passengers left the plane, there was no organization, people tried to leave the burning plane as soon as possible, so there was panic, everyone jumped, pushing each other, it only reveals one inflatable ramp , most passengers have to jump onto the concrete from four, the jump is always before my eyes, that is, most of the moments of this thirtytwo years ago it was always in my head to jump, yes it was im scared, because since childhood ive been afraid of heights, 4 m, theres concrete, i understand that if i jump , ill crash, well, there were no options, because there was nothing to breathe, there was no air, i remember one woman, she had a baby, she i came up to her to jump, but she was just a child. Well, accordingly, she jumped, injured her spine and didnt crawl away, followed by a man, well, hes about 50 years old and has such an athletic build, but he sees where im going to jump to her back, okay, so he swung to the side under the wing and jumped away from her , the mountain lies directly human, that means on top of each other, well, a person, well, 15, probably 20, maybe , was lying and i realized that the idea was to quickly work in such situations, i realized that if i jump, it means, well, im injuring people, and i mean, i jumped diagonally to the nose of the plane, that is, so that it means, not perpendicular down, in order to fly over, i flew over them on such a long jump, i fought off for myself, then i had to eat for 3 days, i couldnt beat off this inside when the fire started, mother of terrorists nenel ovechkina imperiously reminded her eldest sons of the promise that if the plan failed, commit suicide and in an iron voice demands to shoot her first, please remember who killed your mother . Tatyana ovechkina is lucky, she is this monster. I didnt see the stage, we somehow went forward, but the brothers were all behind, somehow we were seated like that, for some reason we were a little further away, so olga and i believed everyone, so she held seryozha in her arms the whole time, the youngest, i ulya, misha, with her, everyone got out, a bunch, igor ovechkin managed to escape, he hid from being taken in the toilet, then in the confusion he left the burning plane along with the hostages. Igorushka was wounded, he locked himself in the toilet, sat there, crying in horror. The backbone of the popular semeon ensemble, vasily ovechkin, Dmitry Ovechkin, Alexander Ovechkin and Oleg Ovechkin remain on board the burning liner. The most terrible thing is this scream, the plane is burning, she realized that everyone there was burning, and that they did not come out, under the heartrending screams of the sisters who got out of the flames, their siblings, the stars of the world, who became criminals, took turns taking their own lives. After that, everyone began shooting at themselves with sawnoff shotguns. At this moment the helicopters finally they deliver the alpha group to the scene, but the special forces can only look at the giant bonfire that the terrorists lit on their grave. How the plane was burning, for the first time in my life i saw such a sight and so on, it was a terrible sight, a terrible sight when the fuel tanks exploded, it. There was such a torch, i emphasize to god , i got it, i probably barely survived the horror, i didnt want to live at all, if it werent for the children, i dont know, i certainly wouldnt have survived all this, its really just my children left here on march 8, 1988, three passengers died here at the veshchevo airfield. Flight attendant tamara is hot and five terrorists. 19 passengers were injured. The investigation began while the plane was still smoking. The first results of the interrogations shocked the investigators. It turned out that the terrorists could have had an accomplice among the crew members. This version was also a shock at the time. The investigation into the ovechkin case began while the captured tu154 was still in the air. Kgb and prosecutors are urgently called to the irkutsk airport. Ive arrived, here i am he says well, these are the events, here. The plane was hijacked, now the plane is no longer here with us, but it is already flying somewhere over the urals , soon a message comes to irkutsk about the tragic death of Flight Attendant tamara zharkaya, her father found out about this, one of the first, i was in the know, because i was the deputy head of the airport, the Deputy Commander of the detachment, i arrived at work, and in principle they protected me here. They tried to dose me with information, but i still received this information, a few hours later, the apartment of the ovechkin family in their private house in the suburb was already being searched, evidence against the seven simeons was immediately found, there were corpse scraps from which explosive devices were made, well, that is, we realized that we had successfully gone there to see them. And soon nenel ovechkinas eldest daughter, lyudmila, also falls into the hands of operatives. They surrounded my duma, here, the kgb came into us right away, this time, i say, at least take the children, what happened, nothing, no one explains anything to me, they put me in a uaz, they took sasha and me to irkutsk. On litvinovo, we have a hkb there, here they kept them there for as long as they were there, under investigation for a long time until the trial itself, then, well, if they had proven that i knew, i would have sat down too, probably at the same time, lyudmilas surviving brothers and sisters, the passengers will recognize among the rescued hostages, under they are sent by convoy for interrogation to leningrad, olga and little one. Children, one of the first, along the gangway, she took the children and got on the bus, then the passengers recognized her there, our conductor, and olga brought everyone out, so she held seryozha in her arms the whole time, the youngest, me, ulya, misha, everyone got out with her in a group in one car, and then they stripped us. They were taken from our little ones separately and treated separately, then i didnt see them anymore, the younger ovechkins tatyana, ulyana, mikhail and sergei were sent to the hospital for examination, after the stress they suffered , doctors fear for their psyche, they are not told about the death of their mother and the suicides of their brothers , no one said anything , we didnt watch the news, i found out much later, i already found out when my sister started taking me away that there was no one, so i thought that maybe prison, he is belly, meanwhile olga and igor ovechkin are arrested, investigators have serious suspicions that they played an Important Role in the hijacking of the plane, a few days later the passengers and pilots in their testimonies will only. Confirm these suspicions, coherent functions were performed by this one the most, he was not the youngest, 15 years old, this is igor, he was running all the time, moving from the tail, that is, to the pilots door, he was constantly passing on some information, olga looked out the window, watching, it was jean who saw there that our soldiers running around what its not abroad, not finland, but our soviet airfield, thats why its also active. Well, accordingly, the brothers were motivated , he said, lets act more actively, in fact, the investigation quickly found out how terrorists from the popular semeon ensemble brought firearms and explosives on board , we carried out an investigative experiment, took a double bass from the philharmonic, so it could have been examined , of course, but they also knew this, and in order to. Be 100 sure that it would not be provided, they attached a clamp from the meat grinder, as if additional devices for this double bass, it did not fit into the microscope at all under any circumstances, but uh, as we later found out, practically, of course, the Inspection Service workers, everyone knew them, everyone was on march 8, everyone was happy, the guys went through with the jokes, and of course, a proper search was not carried out, against the people on duty at the inspection of baggage and hand luggage at the irkutsk airport, who allowed contraband with a lethal filling to pass. A separate criminal case was opened, then a version appeared that the ovechkins had an accomplice among the crew members of that fateful flight, or rather an accomplice. The detectives themselves did not want to believe it when her name was first heard cautiously. It was about tamara zharkaya, the same tamara, the senior stewardess, who was the first to be shot so coldbloodedly by the ovechkins. The investigation kept this version in the strictest confidence. The whole city gathered to see tamara off on her last journey. Everything that is good in our team is certainly associated with her name, how bitter, painful, and insulting it is that the best always leave untimely. In 2004 year, irkutsk journalist Irina Alekseeva published in the local newspaper kopeika a series of essays about the ovechkina family, where she for the first time disclosed facts that surfaced during the investigation according to her, the detectives then came across information that stewardess tamara zharkaya, one of the eldest simeons, vasily ovechkin allegedly had a close relationship. Suspicions only intensified when it turned out that tamara should not have taken that illfated flight at all, but for some reason she flew of her own free will. Found witnesses who claimed that they allegedly saw tamara zharkaya and vasily ovechkin together at the music school where they studied , for me this version was also a shock at one time when i heard, heard from teachers, from some students, that vasily and tamara were seen on the streets of irkutsk, and that she came to the concert, in general it was normal, everyone who personally knew the older ovechkins said that girls liked them, young, fashionably dressed, strong, handsome, rising pop stars, many girls, not only tamari, of course, istila acquaintances with jazz musicians, and if tamara liked vasily, then there is nothing surprising in vasily, all the senior ovechkins by that time were fully formed guys, one or the other was a great guy, they say a guy to admire, very impressive, bright, and so on , no one knew what was behind their lives, behind their studies , behind their fate, all these details, in the eightyeighth year tamara hot became the head of the Flight Attendant service in irkutsk, before the flight, tamaras colleagues saw her name on the passenger lists , they were surprised why she should fly somewhere on the holiday, march 8, the very fact that the head of the Flight Attendant service, a simple conductor, therefore ended up on the list of those flying on march 8, 1988 on the route irkutsk, kurgan, leningrad, and for people this fact was so unusual, the hostages later recalled that during the flight, Flight Attendant tamara and vasily ovechkin seemed to communicate in a friendly manner. Is this really a betrayal, or maybe the experienced tamara zharkaya, in an extreme situation, courageously tried to pacify the eldest of the terrorists, so that none of the passengers would get hurt, people saw when the plane was even landing , it was still in the air, they sat, chatted with this conductor, she persuaded them, in fact , everything, everything was calm, she was holding, i was in control of the situation completely inside the cabin. What if she really knew closely about the vechkins, what if they used her in the dark, and she helped them, not suspecting that they were actually preparing a terrorist attack and that this flight would be her last. Unique footage september 6, 1988, the trial of the ovechkin family begins, from a paddy wagon brings out seventeenyearold igor and twentyeightyearold Olga Ovechkina. In many ways, it was because of her that it was decided to conduct the trial in irkutsk, and not in leningrad. Olga. I was in the seventh month of pregnancy, having previously called the irkutsk isolation ward, we received a message that they could not transport olga due to her condition. Here to postpone the matter for such a long period of time, respectively, until the birth, then after the birth period, therefore it was considered possible to schedule an onsite session, open the trial is being held right at the irkutsk airport, thousands come to the hearing every day, the hall is packed to capacity. In the name of the russian soviet federative socialist republic 23. In these frames, olga looks hunted from under her forehead. Igor ovechkin looks scared and confused. For some in the audience, this even evokes sympathy. Looking, lets say there is a dock, of course, these are not the defendants who should be there. If their brothers, elders, were sitting there, then the picture would probably be completely different, the reaction there would be spectators who would be present. Missing from the dock was vasily ovechkin, 26 years old, creator of seven simens, played drums in a group, his mother described him like this proud, arrogant, but kind. Vasilys mother loved her more than anyone, it was he who would kill her, and then commit suicide. Dmitry ovechkin, 24 years old, played the trumpet, according to the notes of his mother, 21 years old, saxophonist, from the notes in his mothers diary, this is character, he does everything to the end, according to witness testimony, the only one who did not give in panic, before suicide he gave his jacket to nikolaeva so that she would not catch a cold, 19 years old, played the double bass , in which he later carried weapons and explosives, according to his mother, silent, with a secret, it was he who blew up a bomb on the plane, then committed suicide, but the main figure, ninel ovechkina, 51 years old, supported the idea of ​​hijacking the plane, and perhaps was its author, on the plane she called for abandoning negotiations with the crew and starting shooting hostages, was killed at her own request by her eldest son, was she involved in the hijacking of the aircraft the deceased Flight Attendant tamara is hot. Investigators found no evidence for this version. Even if she really knew vasily ovechkin, they believe, this does not prove anything and cannot cast a shadow on the heroic behavior of the girl during the flight. Tamara, she is one of the most trained guides in our detachment, in the irkutsk detachment. And she took it upon herself. The role of the mediator, the mediator, and the damper, perhaps this can be smoothed out, you see, something is wrong with the guys who are mentally unstable, here, that they could be persuaded, persuaded to do something, perhaps surrender their weapons, people saw that yes, the Flight Attendant, here she sits and talks, thats all, that is, she is their accomplice, but nothing like that, that is, she has chosen this role for herself and so on, well, probably, in this critical. No, she was shot. So, only two of the seven simeons are in the dock, pianist igor and Olga Ovechkina. She served as an administrator in the jazz band. Will they admit their guilt and ask for forgiveness from the relatives of the victims . After talking with lawyer, igor fully admits his guilt and lays out in detail everything he knows. They wanted to go abroad, they believed that they were underestimated here here, but having been in japan. They didnt understand what life abroad was, well, since 1988, in february, they began to actively prepare, that is and igor was privy to these events, these are the brothers, because the brothers are active, which means oleg and dima and vasya, they were actively preparing for all this, they were buying, they bought two guns, they made sawedoff shotguns, they bought cartridges. In igor talks in detail about the events on the plane, how he shuttled between armed brothers in the cabin, how he tried to break down the door to the cockpit, how he later became a coward and hid in the toilet. The judge asked igor, why didnt you shoot yourself, like, when the brothers shot themselves, the mother was shot, the brothers, he says, well, i say, im young, im 15 years old, i say, i want more life, so i say, and he ran away and hid in the toilet room of the first one. The court will sentence igor ovechkin to eight years in prison, his sister olga will receive six. Dear citizens of the judges, i admit my guilt to the full extent of the crime. I repent, the defendant Olga Ovechkina ended her last word with an unexpected request, please tell me or indicate where my brothers, who committed suicide, and my mother are buried, for you this is nothing and no one, but for me they are close people, so i ask you to satisfy this. The next court hearing, the answer was ready, under what numbers and where they were buried. The terrorist ovechkins are buried here, at the verkhnecherkasovsky cemetery, not far from vyborg, in unmarked graves. From the once large family, only two sisters remained alive, the eldest lyudmila and the youngest tatyana. Until recently, they did not know what happened to their brother mikhail, where he was and whether he was even alive . Today, for the first time in many years, they will see him, and mikhail. Will make an open appeal to the sisters. While mikhail was preparing for his main confession, information appeared that another ovechkin was still alive sergei, who seemed to have disappeared many years ago. Speaking about the fate of the ovechkin family, it is difficult not to think about the evil fate regarding only fate turned out well; the older sister did not take part in the hijacking of the liner, by the time of the terrorist attack she already had her own family, the life of the rest of the ovechkins, those who survived that black day, turned out very badly, or at least very difficult. Tatyana ovechkina almost went to the next world, soon after the terrorist attack. In 1988, once in prison, she tried to commit suicide. Tanka started hanging herself in the isolation ward so that. What is this, so that they wouldnt be separated, that they would just go to me, they didnt want to give it to me right away, and i myself was under investigation, i later took temporary custody, the fact that the children , tanya, there, misha, could commit suicide just to endure all this on psychosis, tatyana studied to be an accountant, got married, but unsuccessfully, she turned out to be an alcoholic. Began to drink a lot, fight, and i went back on vacation, this time with dimka and her son, with a little one, later she will try again to take her own life, the traumas of the past will haunt her constantly, well, of course, her psyche is damaged, she still is , exactly by march 8th, i will definitely dream about an airplane, definitely, you cant escape anywhere, its already deposited here. Forever. In irkutsk, tatyana moved into an apartment with igor and olga. They served only half of their sentences and were released early for good behavior. Behind bars, igor continued to study music in the angarsk juvenile colony for the prison choir. At the age of 18 he was transferred to the bazoi prison. There he led a brass band and a vocalinstrumental ensemble with a rather ambiguous name, taking into account ovechkins past, he was in prison in prison he created his own ensemble, the ekipazh ensemble, that is, he taught zak to play instruments there and wrote music with them. Once free, igors first step was to return to music school, but he was unable to study there for long. When igor came out of prison, having studied at college for a year, in my opinion, they had already taken him again, they didnt stop saying that you were all there, they took him, they took him, he studied for six months, the second semester, and he also, well, to the extent of course, he was not financially secure, but played in a restaurant, irkutsk musicians say that the prison term did not affect igors performing skills in any way, it is not for nothing that he, along with mikhail , was called the most talented among. The seven simens, i invited igor to my birthday, but he came after the restaurant, i say, igor, play for a gift for me, well, he sat down on the piano and played there for about 15 minutes, my girlfriend couldnt stand it, she ran away and cried, that is, but then i ask her, i say, what happened, what did she say, i just i i says ill never play like that, ive never heard anything like that, no i saw, well, i was just so impressed by his playing, the fact that he played the piano, well, it was simple. Something prohibitive at that time, we didnt understand how this could be done at all, but the curse of the ovechkin family did not let him go, in the late nineties igor began to drink a lot, well, he only knew how to work in a restaurant, a musician, no one else, well, alcohol had its own thing does, from one restaurant to another, he went to all the restaurants, who can stand it, he came to me just for the new year, he had no time to go, he also had a fight, with olga, he can live in my opinion, he didnt even live there, but its not clear where he lived, that is, his relationship with olga was very bad, after everything that had already happened, it was disgusting, they kicked him out of the house, they simply kicked him out of the house, in case it happened drug addiction, but what else can he do with such a psyche . In 1999, igor ovechkin was killed, according to one version , fellow inmates in the prison where he was sent for drug distribution. What kind of drugs were assigned to him, why he was taken, as if killed him, he was only involved in music, what kind of drugs were there, i dont know why he was there i got in, i dont know the way, the only thing is, they called, they said, thats it, they took him to prison, they killed him in prison, who was there, that he was also cocky, i also dont know, i have no idea what happened there, according to another version, igor was beaten to death on the street, under unclear circumstances. He was walking from a restaurant, with work, drunk, as usual , he was beaten, after that he died, as far as i know , Olga Ovechkina died after igor, well, how did she get out of prison, well, she lived her life, and i was already married there went out and lived her life, somehow we are no longer friends, we were no longer friends. Strong, alcohol, yes, they just came out of prison, they began to drink a lot, both olga and igor, yes, their psyche was already broken anyway, in 2002 olga had another roommate, they drank together, and then he beat her , i dont know where this guy came from, you idiot, well, apparently she still wanted a family, at least try, she wanted her own. A child, she wanted her own kind of family unit, some kind of normal family here. In 2004, a drunken boyfriend beat her to death when she walked for too long beer. Ninel ovechkina taught her children that you need to go to your goal by any means, all means are good. When the ovechkins were already popular artists, the mother of the hero semi simenov was selling burnt vodka under the counter and saw nothing wrong with it. Now. She was taking the lives of one of her children after another, the next was ulyanas funeral. This is filming from 2013, ulyana ovechkina tells ntv journalists how her life would have turned out if not for the illfated hijacking of the plane. Have you traveled abroad somewhere . Most likely, its already possible to leave, everything was opened, we would have left anyway, were still musicians, theyre good, if only they were all brothers, oh, good. They would have left russia anyway, most likely the brothers would have played, maybe we would have sung, sometimes i would have sung, it would have been good, but the fate of ulyana ovechkina turned out completely differently, she got married, gave birth to a daughter, i dont know, what happened there with her husband, her husband then died, at first he was completely lost, then they found him killed, where and how i didnt do anything. No one reported anything, it was in 2000 she gave birth to zlata, then she didnt take her to me, but she took her motherinlaw there, left her there, left, her soul went to heaven, i dont know where, so i understood, and i drank and sang, it turned out, or i became addicted to drugs, im already there and im still not getting married. So that its normal, somehow stable. She had to work, she either lost her job or didnt like it, well, she wasnt okay mentally either, she didnt listen to anything, she changed her apartment to another city, and i completely stopped monitoring her and stopped seeing her, she had pneumonia there, how did she do them launched, also died. At every concert of the seven semenovs, the main character was little seryozha, who played the bandzha, the audience simply adored him. Seryozha knew nothing about the impending capture; the younger ones were not privy to the criminal plans. But what do you remember on march 8 . I remember how i was wounded and thats it. Did she hurt you . Where are you going . In the left thigh, in the left thigh, and now how do you feel, i m hurting now, youre sick, come on, since we re sick today, well reschedule your interrogation, when i was actually brought into the hall court hearing, honestly, i felt so sorry for him, the child, he was still so scared, i didnt move away from all this, well, we probably made a wise decision without interrogating him. Mom, this will probably remain for the rest of my life, the pain in my leg will remain for the rest of my life, the doctors were unable to remove the bullet, after the trial i ended up in a boarding music school, then, when igor was released, i played with him in restaurants, there i started drinking, hanging out, i dont know what to do with him either. Lived next to me all the time, with me like if only i had my own family, this is seryozha. In 2005, when the apartment in which the ovechkins lived was exchanged, sergei took his share in money , after which he disappeared without a trace, the apartment was exchanged, i told him, youll come to me right away, he didnt even reach me with money, he disappeared without a trace, he everything disappeared, i contacted the police, it seemed like they were looking, they were looking, they were looking for a long time. Hes still there, i dont know where he is, whether hes alive or not, if, of course, he would have made himself known, im like that, i wont believe that he didnt let me know, well, maybe Something Like that something extraordinary happened, maybe somewhere, i dont know, in life i dont know what, i dont know, we tried to find sergei ourselves , the police, the prosecutors office, the investigative officer helped us with this. There must be at least some kind of clue, here when work on this series was already coming to an end, we received a message from the Main Department of the ministry of internal affairs for the irkutsk region. So, now for the first time information will be heard about what happened to sergei ovechkin. My Blood Pressure is blurry, or something has dropped, i even have these letters. We inform you that within the framework of the received a request for assistance in the search for sergei dmitrivich ovechkin, yeah. It was established that Sergei Dmitrievich ovechkin died in 2009, and where, how, why, as it turned out, taking his share from the sale of family real estate, the younger ovechkin, along with the money, went from irkutsk to novosibirs, then to the moscow region. In 2000, he forgot that in 2008, he had a criminal record in the moscow region, a penal colony, was transferred to the smolensk region, the punishment was given for less than a year, in 2009 he was identified in the morgue by the queens. Oh youre mine that he didnt come to me, i kept waiting for him to come. Now you will have Accurate Information that he died . We sympathize, lyudmila, you were hoping, well. Some kind of nightmare sergeis death is a heavy blow for the sisters, now only one question haunts them, what happened to mikhail, this is. The last brother left alive, about whom they have not known anything for ten years, having found themselves in prison after the trial boarding school, mikhail was considered a real star there, not at all because he was the brother of terrorists and a participant in the hijacking of an airplane, classmates and the teachers tried not to remember, he had a competition, at our art school, he performed at a competition, he had a terrible temperature, in general he was just lying there. Practically the temperature there was under 40 , he played and, in my opinion, took one of the prizes there, so he was fanatical about it, and he was, well, a musician to the core. Mikhail graduated from boarding school, played with igor and sergei in restaurants, then moved to st. Petersburg, got married, and then family life began to crack. Married a beautiful girl from. He i saw what a real family is, everything, in st. Petersburg he started drinking, why they divorced dasha, in 2000 mikhail realized what his brothers once dreamed of, he left to conquer the european paradise, first to france, when they all left there as a collective and at one time he worked alone on the street, that is, he played the trombone alone, this continued for some time there, in 2013 Mikhail Ovechkin suffered a stroke, we found him in a hospice on the outskirts of barcelona, ​​the only of the ovechkin brothers, survivors, for the first time in many years. I recorded a video message to my sisters and now they will see it. Outskirts of barcelona, ​​blau clinic hospice. Mikhail ovechkin is preparing to record an address to his sisters, whom he has not seen for more than 10 years. Hello tatyana. He is worried, trying to find the right words, which makes it even more difficult to speak. What happened, did it get worse . Everything, oh, my god, is he drunk, hello, lyudmila, for school, how are you, oh, my god, my god, im fine, lord, ill see you. Ovechkina once foresaw all this, i have this feeling that evil just begets evil, evil begets evil. With these words she herself pronounced a terrible sentence on almost all of her children. The ovechkins strove for a Beautiful Life, but ended up killing innocent people and turning their lives into one endless nightmare. Mikhail gendelev was with you, see you in a new exciting series based on real events. We need to solve everything once and for all. Im very tired of all this, you know

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