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NTSAD to honor Guangping Gao for lifetime work on Canavan disease, as gene therapy trial shows promise :
NTSAD to honor Guangping Gao for lifetime work on Canavan disease, as gene therapy trial shows promise
Guangping Gao, PhD, will be honored by the National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association for his work in identifying the Canavan gene, revitalizing gene therapy, and his many accomplishments leading to potential treatments for Canavan disease.
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United States
Bio Pharma
Florian Eichler
Guangping Gao
Drug Administration
Harvard Medical School
Hospital Center
Penelope Booth Rockwell Professor In Biomedical Research
National Tay Sachs Allied Diseases Association
European Union
Li Weibo Institute For Rare Diseases Research
Horae Gene Therapy Center
National Tay Sachs
Allied Diseases Association
Penelope Booth Rockwell Professor
Biomedical Research
Rare Diseases Research
Bridgebio Pharma
Child Neurology Society
Gene Therapy Trial
Canavan Disease
Massachusetts General Hospital
Rare Neurological Diseases
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