TO: All citizens of the City of Auburn, Alabama, and other interested persons:
Take notice that the Auburn Board of Zoning Adjustment will meet on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Auburn Public Safety Building, located at 141
North Ross Street, Auburn, Alabama. The Board will hear a request from Andrew & Sanna Hardin for a variance to Table 5-2: Lot Area, Setbacks, Bulk Regulations and Parking
Requirements: Neighborhood Conservation District of the City of Auburn Zoning Ordinance. The applicant requests a variance of 12 feet to the minimum required 42-foot rear yard
setback to allow a rear yard setback of 30 feet for an accessory dwelling unit. The subject property is located at 572 Sherwood Drive in the Neighborhood Conservation zoning district (NC-