If the governor's plan is approved, North Warren's state aid would drop from $3.69 million this year to $2.74 million in 2021-22 — a decrease of more than 25% that would mark the second steepest among Warren County schools. Statewide, only seven districts would have a percentage decrease higher than North Warren.
According to Bilotti, the district will lose $4 million in total state aid from the Senate bill and has already lost 38 staff members because of the budget cuts.
"The Board has taken a deliberate and careful approach to these reductions over the last several years, always considering the impact on student instruction, to protect the educational experience of every student as much as possible," reads Bilotti's email to the New Jersey Herald. "The reductions approved (Monday) night were not the first, and sadly, will not be the last caused by the state funding changes."