Nonprofit EmbraceRace helps parents explain race to children
ALEX DANIELS of The Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Chronicle of Philanthropy
June 3, 2021
Andrew Grant-Thomas reads to his daughter, Lena Grant-Giraud, on the back porch at their home in Amherst, Mass., on Monday, May 24, 2021. Grant-Thomas and his wife, Melissa Giraud, started the nonprofit EmbraceRace in 2016 when they found few resources to help them talk with their young daughters about race. The nonprofit’s approach, Grant-Thomas says, can be summed up in a simple mantra: “Start young, and keep going.” (M. Scott Brauer/Chronicle of Philanthropy via AP)M. Scott Brauer/AP
News about the police killing of George Floyd was everywhere. Officials at the Berkeley, Calif., school, where Perfecta Oxholm’s son attended kindergarten last year, decided not to talk directly about the death with the students. That didn’t stop the children from asking questions.