Noida: A two-member inquiry team from Aligarh health department has said there is no account of at least 32 vials of Covaxin meant for the primary health centre (PHC) in Naurangabad that came in news after vaccines meant for it landed up in Greater Noida.
While the in-charge of the PHC, Dr Rammiyya Pillai, has been transferred, services of a staff nurse Pushpa who used to maintain registers at the PHC have been terminated.
Officials said of the 579 vials that have reached the Aligarh PHC so far, only 547 have been used. When committee members Dr Anupam Bhaskar and Dr SP Singh, both additional chief medical officers in Aligarh, questioned the PHC staff about the discrepancy, they were told some vials were damaged and they had been thrown. “As per information updated on Co-WIN, the number of vaccines administered matches with the stock but the information in the PHC register seems to be incomplete,” an official said.