NieR Replicant (2021): How To Access The New Story Content | Ending E Guide
There’s more than just a shiny coat of paint in
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139. There’s entirely new story content — and reaching it is going to take you some time. Earning the elusive Ending E also gives you access to new cutscenes and gameplay. You’re going to want to reach this stuff, especially if you’re a big-time
NieR fan. It’s more
NieR content!
And getting it is going to take a very long time. If you’re familiar with NieR Automata, you already know one of the big gimmicks. There are multiple parts of the story, and each time you complete a cycle, you’ll restart and pick up fresh in a new timeline. To earn Ending E, you’ll need to complete at least three cycles and start a fourth. That’s way more than any of the other endings in the game so far, and you’ll need to find some very specific (and missable) items. Let’s break down everything you need to know to reach all the new stuff in this