May 7, 2021 7:47 AM
(NEWTON) The Newton City Council met for its latest meeting this past Tuesday night. Here’s the meeting highlights from the unofficial minutes. The Council : took time to “thank” outgoing Alderman Robert Reisner and outgoing Mayor Mark Bolander for their 20 and 16 years of service and dedication to the City of Newton : approved the $20,100 bid from Hacker Well & Pump to clean the City’s #7 and #8 water wells along with a raw water line : approved the $16,287 bid to install a new fence around the City’s south water tower : agreed to authorize a TIF application for $2,500 to Flo’s Coffee Bar at 507 West Jourdan Street : approved an ordiance to make West Decatur Street one-way heading west from the intersection of Stanley and West Decatur to the intersection of West Decatur and Hutton : the newly elected officials were sworn in – including new Mayor Josh Kuhl, new Alderman R.J. Lindemann, re-elected Alderwoman Gayle Glumac, and re-elected Alderman Eric Blake – also Zoning Board members Maxine Calvert and Michael Swick : the new Council adopted the update of the Jasper County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan in the City of Newton : approved the hiring of Sarah Carter and Ashley Ruholl, each as part-time police officers for the City of Newton : and took no other action other than to adjourn after a 64-minute executive session to discuss litigation, real estate, and personnel : the next Newton City Council meeting is May 18, 2021.