Newark Symphony Hall’s new marquee will pay homage to the past, be a beacon for city’s creativity
Updated May 08, 2021;
Posted May 08, 2021
New design plans for Newark Symphony Hall's exterior call for a translucent, lit-up marquee and streetscape art in a plaza out front.Clarke Caton Hintz
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The iconic Newark Symphony Hall marquee that once greeted motorists entering Newark from U.S. Routes 1&9 has been missing for about two years — ever since a car rammed into the poles holding it up.
Now, the historic venue has plans for a new entrance that will serve not only as a visual marker for Broad Street but also as a beacon for Newark’s creativity. The new design plan from Trenton-based architectural firm Clarke Caton Hintz features streetscape art and a lit-up dome marquee to welcome both concert-goers and motorists.