New virtual STEM learning program created by BASF, Louisiana Art & Science Museum
4 hours 53 minutes 44 seconds ago
Monday, April 19 2021
Apr 19, 2021
April 19, 2021 6:38 AM
April 19, 2021
Source: WBRZ
In April of 2021, students at Prairieville Primary enjoy participating in a virtual Kids’ Lab program created by BASF and the Louisiana Art & Science Museum (LASM).
GEISMAR – Elementary School students in the capital area are enjoying an opportunity to learn more about science.
German-based chemical company BASF and the Louisiana Art & Science Museum (LASM) recently launched its first-ever virtual Kids’ Lab program.
The partnership allows students in the Greater Baton Rouge region to adhere to COVID-19 safety precautions while participating in a virtual version of BASF’s award-winning Kids’ Lab, a hands-on opportunity for students to explore connections between science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts and their world.