New San Dieguito board member Allman proposes governance changes
New San Dieguito Union High School District trustee Michael Allman joined the board on Dec. 15 bringing with him many ideas for changes meant to improve board governance. At his first meeting, he brought forward three agenda items including hiring a new board attorney, a transition to Rosenberg’s Rule of Order for how meetings are run, as well as his expanded school reopening resolution that passed 3-2.
New trustee Katrina Young had requested to pull all of Allman’s items from the agenda but she was not seconded.
Allman said he would like an attorney at every board meeting to provide expert legal advice to the board and to act as a parliamentarian to ensure the board follows procedure. At the meeting, he presented the board with a letter of engagement from Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch to represent the district from attorney John Lemmo. Allman said Lemmo was recommended to him by constituents and he had not met him prior to November.