Dr. Alicia Mousseau edged out former Oglala Sioux Tribe President and founder of Lakota Nation Invitational Bryan Brewer for the vice presidency. She will serve the tribe’s almost 47,000 members across 2.1 million acres of land that consists of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Mousseau grew up in Porcupine and earned her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Wyoming. She ran on the platform of promoting STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.
“We know the importance of that. We have those roots in our culture and community. But we need places for those people who want those careers to land, and I'm also a researcher myself and I've navigated that here and know the difficulties. And how amazing it would be if we had our own research and training center, where we were leading our own research and we were collaborating with outside entities. And I think that's a possibility during the pandemic.”