Meriden nutrition business expands to Wallingford
Meriden nutrition business expands to Wallingford
Meriden nutrition business expands to Wallingford
Erica Santore, owner of Wallingford Nutrition Spot, whips up a Chunky Monkey protein shake at the new business at 314 Main St., Yalesville, Fri., Jan. 22, 2021. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
A Chunky Monkey protein shake and Strawberry Promegranate energy tea at Wallingford Nutrition Spot, a new business at 314 Main St., Yalesville, Fri., Jan. 22, 2021. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
The lounge of Wallingford Nutrition Spot, a new business at 314 Main St., Yalesville, Fri., Jan. 22, 2021. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
Wallingford Nutrition Spot, a new business at 314 Main St., Yalesville, Fri., Jan. 22, 2021. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal