Netflix recently released a new fictional film titled "Leave the World Behind" which dramatizes what could happen with a cyber attack against the U.S. I watched this film yesterday, since online comments about it were all over the place in trying to interpret it. I am recommending everyone to watch this film. Another corroborating source about what is about to happen, is the non-fictional work of David Webb, someone I had not heard of before this week. Webb has published a new book that anyone can download for free. I have read about 75% of the book since yesterday (I started with the Prologue and then worked my way back from the Conclusion), and I have to say this is definitely a MUST READ! David Webb has an incredible Bio, and came from a family deeply involved in Freemasonry. He was a successful Wall Street manager for years, and now lives in Switzerland where he owns farmland. He is originally from Cleveland. I would consider Webb a true "whistle-blower" who knows the intricacies of Freemasonry and the world's financial system, through previous experience.