DCA: Discussion On Asylum System, Short Biographies On New Mexico Farmers, Return Of Science Story Time…
DCA News:
Explore the latest online programming from the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), bringing the state’s unique blend of cultures into your home through its museums, historic sites, and cultural institutions.
This week includes three programs:
The History and Literary Arts department at the National Hispanic Cultural Center presents the latest online lecture in the series Perspectivas Modernas “Seeking Refuge: The Role of Expert Witnesses in Latin American Asylum Cases” via Zoom May 4. In this presentation, Kimberly Gauderman, a professor in the Department of History at the University of New Mexico, offers a description of the asylum system in the United States and the role of expert witnesses in cases for refugees from Latin America, focusing on the specific challenges faced by women and LGBTQ persons. Register for this free event here.