Michigan League for Public Policy
I’ve always said it’s important to start off a new year with hope — hope can be a great motivator.
But, after the year we’ve had, it’s hard to find hope. And, quite frankly, we need a lot more than a “positive attitude” to take on the problems our state is facing. COVID-19 has devastated us. Over 12,500 lost loved ones. Over 341,000 lost jobs. Countless days of worry, anxiety and isolation.
Most of all, COVID-19 has exposed what many have known for some time: Michigan’s foundation is crumbling.
After decades of disinvestment and partisan politics, our state has forgotten the importance of giving our residents the solid ground that will continue to hold them up even when times are tough. That will provide kids with high-quality education and care, regardless of their race or the place they call home. That will ensure that the homes we live in, the food we eat, and the water we drink are safe. That we have access to the health care we need, no matter where we are in life. And that the people of Michigan don’t have to worry about making ends meet.