New Jersey Ratepayers Implore Board of Public Utilities to Reject Utility Cash Grab
April 26, 2021, 10:50 am | in
Latest $300 million demand from PSE&G and Exelon would crush New Jerseyans reeling from pandemic
Trenton (April 23, 2021) — After securing a $300 million-per-year subsidy despite failing to demonstrate need, PSE&G and Exelon are back again, using the threat of closures and job losses to demand yet another round of corporate handouts paid for by New Jersey ratepayers.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) held evidentiary hearings on the renewal of the $300 million annual zero-emission credit (ZEC) subsidies this year. On April 27, the BPU is expected to rule on the renewal for a three-year period, which would total upwards of $900 million in higher electricity costs for ratepayers.