19 May 2021
Government launches implementation plan to deliver world-leading genomic healthcare to patients, improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Diversity and reach of genomics set to expand through engagement and research programmes to better treat deadly diseases such as cancer
Patients across the UK will benefit from better healthcare, treatments and faster diagnosis as the government sets out how it will continue to deliver world-leading genomic healthcare.
Genomics is the study of genetic information and can help diagnose diseases earlier and more accurately, reduce some invasive procedures and enable tailored treatments. Building on the success of the 100,000 Genomes Project, our commitment is to sequence 1 million whole genomes – 500,000 genomes in the NHS and 500,000 in UK Biobank, which will transform healthcare in the UK and create jobs. In 2018 to 2019, genomics contributed £1.9 billion to our economy.