In a statement, Greenpeace oceans campaigner Jessica Desmond said a legislative ban is needed to ensure the long term health of the ocean.
“TTR has been vying to access the South Taranaki seabed for years, where they want to suck up a 66 square kilometre area for thirty years.”
“Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui, the trustees of Te Kaahui Rauru, Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, Greenpeace and other concerned groups have been holding them off so far, but we need legislation to keep the door shut on them, and others like them who will come knocking.”
Monique Ford/Stuff
Protestors from Ngāti Ruanui during a protest in Parliament grounds, in 2016. The iwi has led a fight for six years against plans to mine the seabed of the South Taranaki coast (file photo).