GEELONG, Australia, July 6, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- "There is a lot of good psych out here. But there is plenty of bad psych too. And for the average folk, it is almost impossible to know the difference. I've had numerous clients whose mind has been permanently injured and their life spoilt forever because of bad psych. But don't fret. I will work through the dangers with you, so you know what you have gotten yourself into and can change direction if needed," Joshua Thomas states.
"Good Psych - Bad Psych & How to Tell the Difference" (published by Xlibris AU) expertly explains the dangers lurking within modern mental health services and guides readers towards sound and useful psychological therapy. In this book, Thomas has distilled hidden problems, including the awful lack of regulation, the dash for cash, the disregard for a person as an individual, and the use of bad science to justify bad psych. He also describes what makes a good psychologist and good psychology, so readers can get good psych, the therapy that does them good.