The live-action Netflix series "Resident Evil" has been canceled after just one season. The eight-episode first season premiered on Netflix this July 14. Based on the video game franchise of the same name, the show followed Jade Wesker's (Ella Balinska) fight for survival in a world overrun by blood-thirsty infected and mind-shattering creatures. Jade is haunted by her past in New Raccoon City, by her father Albert's (Lance Reddick) connections to the Umbrella Corporation, and by what happened to her sister, Billie (Siena Agudong). Additional cast members included: Tamara Smart, Adeline Rudolph, Paola Nuñez, Ahad Raza Mir, Connor Gosatti and Turlough Convery. The first "Resident Evil" game was released in 1996. Since then, the game and new entries in the franchise have sold over 100 million copies worldwide. Additionally, the film franchise has grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide; and there are also "Resident Evil" animated films, comic books, and novels. Editorial credit: Cubankite /

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