On 1 April 2021 the Energy Commission published the Guidelines for Solar Photovoltaic Installation Under Net Offset Virtual Aggregations (NOVA) Programme for Peninsular Malaysia (NOVA guidelines). The NOVA guidelines set out the framework and requirements of the NOVA initiative of Malaysia's Net Energy Metering 3.0 Programme (NEM NOVA). Industry players have eagerly awaited such details, particularly following the introduction of virtual aggregation.(1) The release of the NOVA guidelines also serves to complete the trilogy of initiatives under NEM NOVA, which the government announced in December 2020.
What is NEM NOVA?
NEM NOVA is a solar energy-centric net energy metering initiative for non-domestic consumers of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (distribution licensee), Malaysia's electricity utility company. 'Non-domestic consumers' refers to consumers in the commercial, industrial, mining and agriculture industries.