Neighbors cry fowl, want chickens evicted from Cumberland Hill
Paromita Ghosh and David Dugre hold two of their five chickens in the backyard of their home at 86 Spring St. in Cumberland. Some neighbors are complaining about the chickens, but Ghosh and Dugre say they should be allowed to keep them here. (Breeze photos by Robert Emerson)
Controversy brings issue back into spotlight
CUMBERLAND – A neighborhood kerfuffle over backyard chickens and a deadlocked vote on the issue last week has some officials questioning whether local rules on keeping the clucking birds might need to be revamped.
David Dugre and Paromita Ghosh have had five chickens housed in a backyard coop at 86 Spring St. for about the past year after moving into the home two years ago, a situation that’s angered some neighbors over what they say is a diminished quality of life.