Thursday 18 February 2021
NEDCO CEO Calvin Maurice, left and CARIRI executive manager, corporate services, Meghnath Gosein, sign an MOU for the provision of business development services at NEDCO head Office, Queen's Park East, Port of Spain on February 8. Witnessing the signing are NEDCO chief entrepreneurial development officer Karen Carraballo and programme co-ordinator Robert Nunes. - Angelo Marcelle
Young people are often discouraged by their parents from going into business because they think it's too risky. It's a risk worth taking, says National Entrepreneurship Development Company (Nedco) CEO Calvin Maurice, encouraging anyone to follow their business dreams, no matter their age.
There's support available, such as the newly formed partnership between Nedco and the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (Cariri) to assist entrepreneurs in expanding their businesses to the next level and making them sustainable.