AMERICAN EXPERIENCE is pleased to present a preview screening and discussion of our upcoming film,<b> </b><a href=""><b>Nazi Town, USA</b></a><b>.</b> The event will feature an extended clip from the film and a panel discussion with film participants.<br/><br/><b>Featured guests include:</b><br/><br/><b>Peter Yost</b>: Writer, producer and director of Nazi Town, USA.<br/><br/><b>Edna Alburquerque: </b>Producer of Nazi Town, USA.<br/><br/><b>Beverly Gage</b>: Professor of history at Yale University and the author of G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century, winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for Biography.<br/><br/>The discussion will be moderated by <b>Cameo George</b>, executive producer of AMERICAN EXPERIENCE.<br/><br/><b>About the film:</b> In February 1939, more than 20,000 Americans filled Madison Square Garden for an event billed as a “Pro-American Rally.” Images of George Washington hung next to swastikas and speakers railed against the “Jewish controlled media” and called for a return to a racially “pure” America. The keynote speaker was Fritz Kuhn, head of the German American Bund. NAZI TOWN, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States. The Bund held joint rallies with the Ku Klux Klan and ran dozens of summer camps for children centered around Nazi ideology and imagery, melding the images of Americana with a virulent anti-semitic ideology.<br/><br/>From filmmakers Peter Yost and Edna Alburquerque and executive produced by Cameo George, NAZI TOWN, USA raises thorny issues — from questions of free speech to declarations of “America First” — that we continue to wrestle with today<br/><br/><b>Nazi Town, USA </b>premieres on Tuesday, January 23rd at 9/8c on PBS.<br/><br/><br/>--<br/><br/>Major funding for American Experience provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Funding for Nazi Town, USA provided by members of The Better Angels Society including The Fullerton Family Charitable Fund. Additional funding for American Experience provided by the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, The American Experience Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers. American Experience is produced for PBS by GBH Boston.<br/><br/><br/>--<br/><br/>Disclaimer: Likenesses shown on promotional materials for this event are composites made from stock photos of models.<br/><br/>