Nationwide Survey Reveals Brits' Top Ten Sources of Stress Throughout the Pandemic and they're NOT what the experts predicted
Taking care of parents/relatives (14%)
Home-schooling (13%)
The survey, commissioned by weight loss pioneers
Allurion, showed that 50% of Britons said they had gained weight during the pandemic and that concerns about their body are now the aspect of their life that they are least satisfied with. 35% said their weight had caused them stress, and 44% said they're unhappy about the current condition of their body.
Honey Langcaster-James,
"It's heartening to see that our primary concern throughout the pandemic has remained the wellbeing of our loved ones, however, it seems that our concern for others may have come at a cost to looking after ourselves. We've been neglecting our own health-related needs and eating for emotional reasons, so now people are anxious about the weight they've put on during the pandemic."