Background to the National Humanitarian Conference (NHC)
Since its creation in 2011, the NHC has been held four times. Here is a look back at the main conclusions of these key humanitarian meetings.
2011 Edition
In 2011, during discussions held at the first National Humanitarian Conference in the presence of Alain Juppé, then Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, the need to strengthen consultation fora for the humanitarian community became apparent. The principle of a national humanitarian conference, meeting regularly and periodically, was agreed against a backdrop of increasingly significant humanitarian needs. Requests for financial support were increasing globally to address the rising number of large-scale disasters and increasingly complex conflicts. The development of a French humanitarian strategy, enshrined in the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid, was called for, and it materialized in 2012 with the drafting of France’s Humanitarian Strategy (2012-2017).