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National Highway Authority jobs are updated here on PaperPk.com / PaperAds.com daily from Monday to Sunday. Our dedicated team update all new National Highway Authority
NHA jobs ads from Roznama Jang, Express, Nawaiwaqt and Dawn newspapers daily in 2021
Jobs Opportunity In National Highway Authority 2021. Paperpk Provide All Latest Jobs Ads In National Highway Authority. National Highway Authority (NHA) was created, in 1991, through an Act of the Parliament, for planning, development, operation, repair and maintenance of National Highways & Strategic Roads specially entrusted to NHA by the Federal Government or by a Provincial Government or other authority concerned. Being custodian of Highway assets of Pakistan’s road network, NHA is committed to provide safe, modern & efficient transportation system. As the cornerstone of Highway network, National Highways functions as the backbone of Pakistan’s transportation system, plays an important role in the development of micro & macro economy & also enhances the national integration by increasing the social & economic dependence among the Provinces.