National Eagle Center presents online SOAR Differently festival in March
The National Eagle Center is preparing to host its annual SOAR With The Eagles festival. This year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, they invite the public to SOAR Differently with them as they host all of their March programming online.
SOAR Differently will offer a lineup of over 30 programs, including weekly social media programs via Facebook Live and a series of live eagle programs and lectures covering the Mississippi River, history, cultures, eagle trivia, and more. The festival will offer exclusive live eagle programs for members.
“March is always an exciting month for our team, our members, visitors from all over the Midwest, and the Wabasha community,” said Ed Hahn, marketing manager at the center. “This past year presented us with many challenges in the wake of COVID-19, but we have adapted our educational programming and found successful ways to connect with our audiences around the world online. Given that success, we’re excited to go virtual with SOAR in 2021.”