Nani starrer Shyam Singha Roy is a love saga set spanning for years. The film managed to garner attention despite testing conditions due to COVID-19. The film has been sent for the prestigious Oscar Awards this year. It has been sent for a nomination not in one but three different categories. Shyam Singha Roy is sent for Oscar nominations in periodic film, background score and classical cultural dance Indie film. For the uninitiated, the story of the periodic film spans across generations and revolves around a filmmaker named Vasu who revives memories of his past life in an accident. Vasu becomes a successful filmmaker but is accused of plagiarism after one of his works becomes a blockbuster. He is accused of copying a book written by Shyam Singha Roy in the 1960s. When the matter of copyright infringement is taken to court, his lawyer sets out to prove that Vasu is the reincarnation of Shyam Singha Roy.