m Actor John Stamos on Friday shared a never-before-seen photo taken when the cast of "Full House" came together for late co-star Bob Saget's private memorial service in January 2022. In the image, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen can be seen posing on either side of castmate Dave Coulier, along with Stamos, Jodie Sweetin, Candace Cameron Bure, Scott Weinger and series creator Jeff Franklin. "Happy Birthday Bob," Stamos wrote, marking what would have been the comedian's 68th birthday. "This was taken as we gathered for his funeral. Though Bob wasn't there physically, his spirit was unmistakably present, wrapping us in warmth and shared memories that drew both laughter and tears." Stamos went on to call Saget "the heart of our 'Full House' family." "His legacy of kindness and compassion was evident in the faces around me ... in the gentle ways we supported one another, echoing the love he always extended," Stamos continued. The photo was particularly special given that, unlike the rest of those pictured, the Olsens have not been a part of many cast reunions, nor did they return for Netflix's "Full House" reboot, "Fuller House." They did, however, maintain a "very special relationship" with Saget through the years, according to a source who spoke with ET after the funeral. Saget was just 65 years old when he was found dead in his Orlando, Fla., hotel room after a comedy show in early 2022. It was later determined he suffered head trauma and died in his sleep.