My Turn: A syllabus for the sponsors of ‘divisive concepts’ legislation
Published: 2/24/2021 10:41:57 AM
An open letter to Reps. Jason Osborne, Keith Ammon, and Glenn Cordelli, sponsors of House Bill 544, a bill that addresses the propagation of so-called “divisive concepts”: Having read HB 544, a bill relative to the “propagation of divisive concepts,” and having compared it to a September 2020 presidential executive order, I was struck by the repetition of ideas in both documents that are simply inaccurate and, sadly, fly in the face of contemporary history.
Solid research has demonstrated that, though we have made appreciable progress toward a racially just society, much structural, institutional racism remains and it will not simply disappear of its own accord. It is simply too integral and too invisibly ingrained in our society for reasonable people to expect that to happen.