Well, here we are. A smidge over a month away from our favorite Hallmark Holiday... And even if you've got the coolest, most laid-back, and easy-going significant other--you're not gonna wanna mess this up. Because regardless of what they say-they DO want you to think of them and make a fuss over them on Valentine's Day. So-having said that; instead of taking the easy way out and spending money on some chocolates and flowers and a dinner out... Go the extra mile-or MILES--and plan a romantic getaway for the two of you. When was the last time Grandma and Grandpa watched the kiddos for a weekend and you both got out of town and reconnected as a couple? Here are some ideas to keep in mind and check out--BUT DON'T WAIT. These places book fast for holidays like this one. So if you wait until February 13th to try to get a room-you'll be out of luck. That's why we're here to remind you NOW!