Rain in Mumbai: The IMD has indicated an increase in rain activity for Mumbai, Thane and Palghar for August 2-3. A yellow alert for August 2 has been issued for parts of Mumbai, Thane and Palghar indicating heavy rains at isolated places. An orange alert has been issued for August 3 indicating heavy to very heavy rains at isolated places in parts of Palghar, Thane and Raigad. Mumbai, meanwhile would continue to be under a yellow alert for August 3 as well.“Increase in rainfall activity is expected over parts of Konkan and the ghat areas of Madhya Maharashtra during the next three days with reduction thereafter,” said an IMD official. On Tuesday, Mumbai saw meagre rain activity across the city a nd suburbs. In the 24 hours ending at 8.30am on August 1 the IMD Colaba and Santacruz observatory recorded 2 mm and 3 mm rain respectively. Stay with TOI for all the latest updates